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What is your Favourite Peter Davison Story - Part Three


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Another solid season....


Warriors of the deep maybe hated, and the myrka sucks but I dig it. and it has a nice unhappy ending.


The awakening is a solid 2-parter, love the demon face in the church!


Frontios is great too and I love the people being sucked under the earth and used as aliens mining machinery.


Planet of fire is average but the master is great as ever, beautifull location filming.


Androzani is a breathtaking action adventure, very well filmed and produced...and the most intense story since "Inferno".


But the winner has to be Resurrection of the Daleks for me. A solid Dalek action story, after the awfull cringeworthy and laughable Destiny of the daleks, the daleks are BACK and scary once more. This story is complex and has so many great memorable scenes in it, it just makes it enjoyable each time I watch it, its beautifully bleak, horrific and scary. The daleks entering the prison ship and the gass that melts peoples faces off, the intro with the "police" murdering people in the london street. Davros being awakened from his atmospheric blue lit prison, the army soldiers returning and not being the same soldiers as they were before and the depressing ending with Tegan leaving.

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Well mine would have to be Ressurection of the Daleks. But, then again I love every Dalek episode.


I enjoyed Warriors of the Deep, and yes by todays standards the Myrka sucks, but not when I was a kid. I don't know why people don't like it.


Androznia was great. Defiantly love Colin Bakers first lines as the Doctor. Nailed Peri on the spot.


Frontios, love how the TARDIS was destroyed and the whole "is the end of the human race?" feeling.


The Awakining was enjoyable, but I don't think it would have been good if it was longer then two parts.


Planet of Fire was okay. Master was good. Wasn't a sad parting (unlike Tegan). As for Peri, I think Androznia was a better episode for her.



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After a bit of agonizing, I had to go with caves of androzani. It just has a better antagonist than frontios, my second choice.

I suppose the atmosphere is pretty well created as well.... it has an intelligent storyline and the development of the story is also well thought out. The characters are fairly three dimensional as well.


Yeah a good story all round really and a fitting end to the Davison era :)

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