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Which trek was ur fav


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thats a hard question to answer!! many shows have their own good points but if i had to choose i would go for Ds9 because the characters were good and i liked the dominion war story. they also had some great scenes where the federation fleet was fighting the dominion with hundreds of ships on each side!!

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Can't really choose... But since i saw Voyager (VOY - ENT - DS9 - TNG...) first, Next Generation kinda bored me sometimes... It had very great episodes, but also very many shitty ones.. (first season is best example, with the really shit effects of some stuff...) And sometimes the acting seemed to be kinda weird and not good... (to robot-ish)

Since i had already seen the exploring the unexplorerd, Next Generation couldn't really show me something new or special... DS9 was special cause of the dominion war, and was completely different.


So I'd say Voyager or DS9...

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well personally it was DS9 because it is unique as DS9 is not a starship, its a station and therefore is a community where civilians are a regular occurance. this generates interesting plot lines with the barkeep who skirts the law, the enigmatic tradesman who no-one trusts bataling the long arm of the law.


also it opens up possable plot lines that simply arn't possable on a starship.



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DS9 was brilliant loved most of it. i just love the dominion war and everything to do with it. thats why i wanted armada. i just love watching the ship battles! and yeah it was different.


Voyager was also great. It was different because they were in unexplored space. Fair enough some of the things were unrealistic but it didnt stop me loving it!

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Voyager! The series had so much freedom due to independence of the Federation. It included interesting topics and perhaps even social criticisms that also exist today - star trek is so nicely suited to aim at those problems because of its non existent borders, and imo, voyager played the best role in the star trek universe concerning that. The characters were great as well, the eternal conflict of tuvok-neelix for example could represent the conflict of introverted and extroverted persons. Additionally, it was quite entertaining because of the nice humor, which can't be seen in ENT for example. So voy is my first choice.

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And the WINNER is - VOYAGER!!!!!!!! :-)


Yes, yes, I know, there are a LOT of people that just can't STAND Voyager, but as I keep watching the various shows, I always keep coming back to Voyager as my personal favorite. I must say that I just LOVE Janeway with all of her faults and all. I just really enjoy the "motherly" approach that she ended up HAVING to take considering what their situation was, and like ANY single, childless person THRUST into the situation of suddenly having over 100 "children" to be concerned with, I think she was learning parenting as she went. Made mistakes, sure. But I think she came out doing pretty well.


I also really enjoyed the "family" atmosphere that the crew of Voyager developed, and considering it started out as a mixture of the Hatfields and MaCoys, other than that b$*@~ Seska, they seemed to get along well considering the circumstances. I will admit that there WERE characters on Voyager that I'd like to have blown out an air lock, such as Harry and Tuvok. Personally, I would have THANKED Tuvix for getting rid of that grouchy, annoying Tuvok. Neelix had his moments, but he was okay.


No, Voyager was NOT a "traditional" Star Trek show, but I think it worked, much like some people enjoy DS9 for not being the standard Trek show. By "traditional" I mean based off of the concept of the original series. ;)


After Voyager I'd have to go with Next Gen, TOS, and I can't really say much about the others. I actually DO remember enjoying watching the animated Saturday cartoon show when I was a kid, as cheesy as it was. Heck, it was a Star Trek cartoon and I was a little kid. It didn't HAVE to be good to be cool. :p


I've only seen a couple of episodes of Enterprise, and based off of those couple of episodes I labeled it as absolute RUBBISH! The singing theme song was the FIRST thing that made me want to PUKE!


I know a LOT of people just LOVE DS9, but I have NEVER liked that show and I still can't put my finger on WHY I dislike it so much. In all fairness, I haven't seen any of the episodes since they were originally aired, so I'm taking some people's advice on here and giving them another shot. I just watched the first three episodes and I'm still NOT liking it. I would like to shoot Kira out an airlock, Bashir is annoying, I never thought of O'Brian as anything other than an occasional backup character, Odo just always seems so DARN grouchy (probably why he and Kira get along so well!), and there's just something about Sisco that rubs me the wrong way - mostly I think the guy isn't the best actor I've ever seen and the whole baseball things is WAY over-done. I'm going to try and hold off final judgment on DS9 until I finish watching the whole series again, though. Oh, I actually DO love Quark, though. :-)


As far as the original series goes, it was what it was "original". I really enjoyed it for what it was at the time that it came out, and I still do enjoy watching it today because I'm able to put into context the time that it was created. Sure, it was a bit cheesy and campy at times, but that just made it FUN for me. It didn't have to be SO serious all the time to be enjoyable. :cyclops:


Well, that's my two cents. Have a GREAT weekend, ya'all. :D

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Like GlaC I saw Voyager first andi I always come back to Voyager as my favorite. As netshark puts it nicely, I liked "freedom due to independence of the Federation". I like DS9 too - very close behind on my list. The story arcs were just great in later seasons :)

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I`m afraid that I can`t actually give a favourite. :p


I can quite happliy sit down and watch any of them. Which is pretty much the same as everything else.


Apart from TOS (too young, just!), I saw them all when they first aired in UK, so each one holds memories.

I will agree that I didn`t get why they had to get Russel Watson to sing the theme for Ent. Every time it comes on I just laugh. (It`s been a long time..........) Maybe it was B&Bs way to give the US a feel good factor about NASA?


Other than that I absorb myself totally into the Trek Universe as much as possible, therefore accept as is.


I will sit on my fence and stay there till you lot finish fighting it out. ;)

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7. ATFS (= all that fanbased stuff)

7) ATFC (= All that fanbased crap) because it cannot compare to the real thing :cyclops:


8. ??



Optimistic i see - but yeah - i hope there will be a new series - that can at least get higher than number 4 on my list :rolleyes:

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Voyager for me, because it had the best stories. No, actually, that's not quite right- it was the best even when the stories weren't amazing because the characters and the sense of family was so good. But with the great stories on top of that, no other Trek came close. No other Trek had episodes as good as Non Sequitur, The Chute, The Killing Game, Workforce, and Muse, just to rattle off a few names which spring to mind. Though really, it's almost all good (a few exceptions are there, like Shattered and Real Life) and quite a lot of it is great. Oh, look, I'm rambling now. Yeah, I love it.

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i can see why people like might go for voyagers extended family but c'mon people it has to be the interactive and ever changing community of DS9


another note i think trek should be put into cold storage for a good 10-15 years before another series, to make sure that quality is paromount, hell we've got 5 treks and 10 movies to munch on for the time being

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