NiteShdw Posted March 2, 2006 Share Posted March 2, 2006 Here's the question: Have you completely stopped downloading anything that could be considered copyright infringing material? Have the MPAA/RIAA lawsuits encouraged you to use sites like iTunes or Google Videos or to purchase DVDs? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tenebrae Posted March 2, 2006 Share Posted March 2, 2006 I have never knowingly downloaded any illicit content from the internet and actively discourage people from doing this. It is not only illegal, it is immoral. The men and women at the MPAA and RIAA have worked hard to establish to establish a throttle hold on the creative material of most of the Western world and who are we to try and wrestle from them their massive and undeserved profit margins? We the oft exploited consumer should be thankful to these bodies for safeguarding us from the horrors of new technologies that have not yet been optimised to ensure that consumers have the least possible choice and the greatest difficulty in trying to enjoy anything they purchase on anything other than its own media. The MPAA/RIAA crusade against file-sharing is an entirely rational and sensible reaction to a frightening new technology. A world where information can be transferred quickly, easily and cheaply is NO a world I want to live in and I feel that's the kind of world that these organisations are rightfully and tirelessly trying to bring about. They have constantly been under threat of losing a tiny fraction of their hundreds of millions in profits due to thoughtless technophiles trying to bring us "new" and "better" technology. The RIAA and MPAA know better! They've been fighting this horrifying trend for over a hundred years and I trust that they'll fight it for a hundred more if they have to and on that glorious day when they win, we'll back to good old reliable formats like the 8-track and the LP and all this terrible nonsense about consumer rights will be gone. It can't happen soon enough. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TFMF Posted March 2, 2006 Share Posted March 2, 2006 Other. Please Specify I have stopped downloading and uploading entirly - however - i'm not going to buy anything yet - i'm going to wait and see what happens - i've also stepped up security - PeerGuiadian is always on now... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VonHelton Posted March 2, 2006 Share Posted March 2, 2006 The MPAA & RIAA's Plan to Take Over the World: Recordable 8-Track tape player: "WAAAH! We'll lose money!" Recordable cassette tape player: "WAAAH! We'll lose money!" Recordable CD's: "WAAAH! We'll lose money!" Recordable DVD's: "WAAAH! We'll lose money!" :stare: :stare: :stare: :stare: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Mrthumps Posted March 2, 2006 Share Posted March 2, 2006 I'm a little more cautious but I don't download that much of anything anymore anyway so I'm not really worried. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hilander72 Posted March 2, 2006 Share Posted March 2, 2006 The MPAA announcement hasn't changed any of my good or bad habbits. Thinking about it I even think I have picked up a few good habbits on the road and lost a couple of bad ones. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ParuNexus Posted March 2, 2006 Share Posted March 2, 2006 other. Mostly ignore those notices. I may download episodes of something if I somehow miss it(say like new episodes of Fargate SG-Moya(err stargate...)). New stuff that is NOT licensed yet for US, Classics with just episodes only I do download. DVD's I personally own but unable to copy. Like anime I do get fansubs and when the comerical release is out i buy it. I do however STRONGLY feel that I should be allowed 1 Digital backup(i.e. computer). So that said books, dvd's etc can be preserved and never touched again. like pdf's for pen and paper rpg's, compressed jpeg for manga, comics and what not. txt, rtf, doc etc for books\novels\etc. I'm not personally that worried, nor have i upgraded security. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amnot Borg Posted March 3, 2006 Share Posted March 3, 2006 More cautious. I watch those watching me. I have started downloading classic public domain movies, tv shows, and music. I'll just have to do without as much recent entertainment. I couldn't download a whole lot anyway being on dialup. I was getting shows online since all the networks aren't available to me. My budget is very low as I just left school and still need work. This is pretty much a low income area. Cable, DSL, and satellite are here but not everyone has it or can get it. MPAA won't make money off of me either as a customer or a settlement victim. Honestly, I'm mostly unemployed and broke. I would purchase "legitimate" copies if I had money but not as much as they would claim I would have purchased. So much stuff you find online is just JUNK when you get it and the MPAA wants to get paid as if it was all quality materials worth as much as the things they provide. It just ain't so, Joe. Not everything you can get is high quality. I'll share my public domain sites if you want? Anyone like Danny Kaye movies? Or silly things like Santa Conquers The Martians? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
remedyu Posted March 3, 2006 Share Posted March 3, 2006 At the moment, Yes, mostly. I still download things I can't get anywhere legally. Of course everyone here would prefer buying officially released dvds, etc but most of us are just unable to spend that much in order to keep up with tv shows that are being released everyday. Buying the dvds, then having to pay tax for it, etc. It's just too much. You'd have to be a millionaire to keep up with all the dvds out these days.I try to purchase officially released stuff with all the packaging because I like having things like that. I have a pretty decent collection at the moment. BUT there is a problem of having to wait months before the officially released stuff are out though, I want to see new tv shows immediately. Not wait 6 months for the dvd release. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
msg4real Posted March 3, 2006 Share Posted March 3, 2006 STOP D'L EIRERLY /UPloading Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hecate900 Posted March 3, 2006 Share Posted March 3, 2006 HA i will never stop dowloading and if i go to jail it will be as a political prisioner, i believe that as human being we are all equal, and that u can not copyright things of culture like music, movies or games. Next thing there gonna say ooh wait u cant name your son brian that name has been copyrighted by Capitol, your son is now our property. As far as being allowed to make copies for personal back up. Why should we only be allowed to make x amount of copies, we already paid for all intellectual property rights when we bought the product. It is now we must stand up and fight for these rights, the freedom to share information with others be it in the form of, playboys,games,movies,music,IM,blogging,software,or publicly broadcasted tv shows is at an all time risk. :cyclops: Not since the times of the europeans fleeing europe's tyrannical rulers(who also liked to control the sharing of information) has our freedom been in such peril. Guess what people there is no where left to run..... It's time to make a stand!! A concered Canuak :thinking: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
audiobookman Posted March 3, 2006 Share Posted March 3, 2006 NEVER, being in the UK im doing nothing wrong by downloading TV torrents, i pay a TV licence that protects us from the pricks at the MPAA, we already pay for it so im gona download it!! lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wahaha Posted March 3, 2006 Share Posted March 3, 2006 Unless you killed the last existing dung beetle, they'll have a hard time speding 25,000$ a yr to keep you in jail. Especially if you are bankrupt to begin with and have no way to pay anything back. You can always move to China. Hint.. hint. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
S0V13T Posted March 3, 2006 Share Posted March 3, 2006 I've been a bit sporattic lately with my DLing. half of me says that groups _like_ the MPAA have sued 6 year olds, dead people, and people that don't even own computers, and the other half says "I'm legally paying for this, as dictated by Canadian copyright laws, as I understand them". Not that I've really done it that much in the past few years, as I got most of that youthful rebellion out of my system years ago. In my free time (ie. time away from the GF and kids, work) I've been 1/2 trying to keep everyone calm, and represent the site in a somewhat professional manner (Still not the official contact, not talking to the media, thanks). The other 1/2 of my time has been spent researching Canadian law to see if downloading TV shows, and things like that are covered by the special levy that we pay on blank recordable media (for example, for a $16.99 50 pack of blank CD's, like 29 cents goes to the Canadian Recording Artists Association, sort of a hidden tax). As I understand it, in the past Canadians were legally entitled to DOWNLOAD MP3's as personal backups so long as they didn't UPLOAD them. We also payed a special hidden tax, a levy, that went directelly to the CRAA that covered the whole 'lost profits' thing. "They" obviouslly didn't go out of their way to attract any attention to this, or to any changes regarding Canada's National Policy for downloading, so I've been under the assumption that whatever levy I pay for CD's / DVD's, regardless of what I write to them, must still be in effect. I, and every other Canadian would definatelly like some clairification on this, as I've been under the impression that I am legally allowed to download whatever I want, and do with it as I please (except for uploading). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ramjet Posted March 3, 2006 Share Posted March 3, 2006 being a Canadian Citizen. its illegal for them to track my downloads as it is an invasion of my human rights. but they can't stop sharing media, bittorrent was the easiest. but we always have IRC or Direct Connect, sure its a little more work but its gets the job done. I mean there have been pirated music since they pretty much were avalible on Records or 8 Tracks. what they need to do is make DVD's and CD's worth buying and not over priced. I will continue downloading things not because of them. its because many of the things I want aren't availible for me to get and those that are rarely stay on my pc for any length of time.if MPAA wants P2P to die down stop popping up with pirating is evil and wrong. and calling it piracy. it makes it sound cool and interesting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nagap Posted March 3, 2006 Share Posted March 3, 2006 I have not really changed my D/L habits, just where i find my stuffs. Business as usual. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mav Posted March 3, 2006 Share Posted March 3, 2006 "Not really, just more cautious". I finished what I had going then kinda stopped. Wanna see how things are going to play out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
greyCell Posted March 3, 2006 Share Posted March 3, 2006 i still download as veciously as i always do for 2 reasons: 1) i currently live in egypt so if i dont download i will see show really late and they dont even broadcast everything "star trek was never boroadcasted as far as i know" 2) i live in egypt "that is not the same as the first reason" so the mpaa and the riaa are welcome to do what they can do. i can just see it the mpaa contacting the egyptian law enforcment through the interpol, this will be one of the funniest conversations of all time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mav Posted March 3, 2006 Share Posted March 3, 2006 2) i live in egypt . nice, have you ever visited the pyramids at Giza? (i know offtopic but i had to ask sorry, i'll keep the rest to PM's if nesscary) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thedobc Posted March 3, 2006 Share Posted March 3, 2006 All I usually downloaded was T.V. Shows and movies you can't either buy or see anymore. If they are losing soo much money, then why waste what is left on lawyers. I got things like Firefly, Quantum Leap, and Space Above and Beyond because they weren't on TV anymore. I even found some obscure shows like Maxx Headroom, that probably will never be on TV again. /rant How is it stealing if I take nothing from them? I stole no DVD's or CD's, no video tapes, not one. It would be like if they had something like the replicators in Star Trek. If my neighbor had a car I liked, and the machine made me one just like it, did I steal it from him? How is he injured? If I got a avi of a movie that isn't in print, how did I deprive them of income on something they weren't even selling? /endrant Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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