NiteShdw Posted March 10, 2006 Author Share Posted March 10, 2006 My thoughts are this' date=' I don't see sharing show BEFORE they are put out on DVD as wrong. Any show that makes it to TV can be recorded on a VCR or DVD recorder. Guess my feelings are the same about recording music from the radio. I can understand the 2 groups being upset over loss of product but if it was recorded free and not ripped from disk which is currently for sale.. then ummm.... I don't see how they are loosing. And here's my other thought from something i read earlier in this thread, if they want money sooooo bad, then why not get law passed to charge a specialty tax like in Canada that goes to the companies. Hence when you buy DVD R's.. then MPAA gets money.. when you buy CD Rs.. then the RIAA wins. Filesharing of some sort will never completely go away regardless of how many lawsuits are filed. Next.. the beer companies will be suing if people share 12pks ;)[/quote'] I completely disagree with the tax in Canada. The imposition of a tax assumes that ALL recordable media is used to illegally pirate copyrighted material. I use DVD+R for data backup. In the firm I work in, we scan documents to PDF and burn CD-Rs rather than mailing boxes of documents. I belive in 'innocent until proven guilty', and such as tax flies in the face of that statement. The lesson here is that large corporations need to be more responsive to the needs and demands of the consumer. Large corporations have a tendency to stick with what they know and try to force the consumer to buy what they offer, rather than tailoring their product to fit consumer demands. If you treat people like criminals, they'll act like it. If you treat them like friends, they'll remain loyal. My theory: Broadcasters should provide everything they produce available, free of charge, online. Include the commercials, that's fine, that's how it was broadcast. If people want it without commercials, give them the option to pay a few bucks for a better quality, commercial free, version. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StitchInTime Posted March 10, 2006 Share Posted March 10, 2006 The lesson here is that large corporations need to be more responsive to the needs and demands of the consumer. I am not holding my breath waiting for that to happen, however. :rolleyes: My theory: Broadcasters should provide everything they produce available, free of charge, online. Include the commercials, that's fine, that's how it was broadcast. If people want it without commercials, give them the option to pay a few bucks for a better quality, commercial free, version. That's not going to happen, because the people with the 'few bucks,' are the only ones who can afford to buy the products that are being advertised. Those, like myself, who won't be able to afford to pay for commerical-free, won't be able to afford to buy the products featured in the commercials anyway. That's the main thing I hate about commericals. I haven't got the money to buy what they are selling. Hence, the commercials are a complete waste, for me, and the advertiser. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
purpleice Posted March 11, 2006 Share Posted March 11, 2006 I stopped downloading. My harddisk is full. I bought more HDD's up to 1020GB or 1.02TB if you will, and counting! :-) (yes I have a burner but just like to have it all at my fingertips) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yogsototh Posted March 12, 2006 Share Posted March 12, 2006 I don't download as much, the MPAA and the like have zero powers in canada, and as far as I understand it, with the death of Bill C-60 and Bill C-74, Canadians still have a window(maybe a small one), to continue filesharing. "Since the government voted non-confidence, Paul Martin needs to call an election which disrupts the order of business. Having said that, Bill C-60, the infamous copyright reform bill has yet to make it to the second reading. There is also talk of Bill C-74, which is the Canadian surveillance bill, which seems to have gained less attention in the media. What will happen to these bills? David Fewer:C-60 and C-74 are now history. Both bills have been scrapped. That said, the issues both bills addressed have not gone away. Regardless of the identity of the government elected January 23, we will see more copyright and lawful access legislation. Hopefully, the next government will address the warts of both laws while retaining their sounder elements." --- from '' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Mrthumps Posted March 12, 2006 Share Posted March 12, 2006 I don't download as much, the MPAA and the like have zero powers in canada, and as far as I understand it, with the death of Bill C-60 and Bill C-74, Canadians still have a window(maybe a small one), to continue filesharing. "Since the government voted non-confidence, Paul Martin needs to call an election which disrupts the order of business. Having said that, Bill C-60, the infamous copyright reform bill has yet to make it to the second reading. There is also talk of Bill C-74, which is the Canadian surveillance bill, which seems to have gained less attention in the media. What will happen to these bills? David Fewer:C-60 and C-74 are now history. Both bills have been scrapped. That said, the issues both bills addressed have not gone away. Regardless of the identity of the government elected January 23, we will see more copyright and lawful access legislation. Hopefully, the next government will address the warts of both laws while retaining their sounder elements." --- from '' I think it's safe to say that filesharing is the lowest on the conservatives agenda especially with them being a minority government and all and having other priorities to deal with at the moment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
str82u Posted March 12, 2006 Share Posted March 12, 2006 I don't do much...aww, that's crap. Lately there's nothing really attractive out there, but I think Nite is on the right track, the tax is a little assumptive. On the other hand, they could make the content available online, I have cable internet and regular cable too, why not stream it to me. You know I'm gonna cut out the commercials, but then we end up in the same old back alley with the MP@@ "If you want these shows on a disk, you have to buy the ones we make". Really, why allow a company to make a DVD recorder that has composite or component connections? What the hell are people gonna do with that?...make alot of trips to Blockbuster or other video stores, that's what. Here's one for you.... When video stores started offering unlimited rentals for a flat rate, like netflix, what were they thinking? They were thinking "We only have one shot at this, unless they are too dense to operate the DVDburner on thier PC." My sister in law, her whole family and everyone they know right now, they can't rip or burn ANYTHING! EDITTED HERE: In case you're wonderiing, yes, I gave them the tools and training they need to do this from any source, they just aren't motivated to do anything and also blame me for not doing something right. So they borrow movies from me... Lazy and stupid, that's just the way they are and that's o'kay, but how much money could hollywood lose on people who are willing to do some work for a free flick? Not as much as they spend on prosecution. And that, by the way, is what pisses me off: They act like my step-kids, "it's not my money, let's spend it." One Lasst Gasp!!! Have you realized that while we are allowed to make copies of dvds and vhs for personal backup, the DMCA made it illegal to circumvent copyright protection measures on disks. Uh-Duuuuuuuuurr. WTF? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jowunger Posted March 13, 2006 Share Posted March 13, 2006 I have never knowingly downloaded any illicit content from the internet and actively discourage people from doing this. It is not only illegal, it is immoral. The men and women at the MPAA and RIAA have worked hard to establish to establish a throttle hold on the creative material of most of the Western world and who are we to try and wrestle from them their massive and undeserved profit margins? We the oft exploited consumer should be thankful to these bodies for safeguarding us from the horrors of new technologies that have not yet been optimised to ensure that consumers have the least possible choice and the greatest difficulty in trying to enjoy anything they purchase on anything other than its own media. The MPAA/RIAA crusade against file-sharing is an entirely rational and sensible reaction to a frightening new technology. A world where information can be transferred quickly, easily and cheaply is NO a world I want to live in and I feel that's the kind of world that these organisations are rightfully and tirelessly trying to bring about. They have constantly been under threat of losing a tiny fraction of their hundreds of millions in profits due to thoughtless technophiles trying to bring us "new" and "better" technology. The RIAA and MPAA know better! They've been fighting this horrifying trend for over a hundred years and I trust that they'll fight it for a hundred more if they have to and on that glorious day when they win, we'll back to good old reliable formats like the 8-track and the LP and all this terrible nonsense about consumer rights will be gone. It can't happen soon enough. I LMAO with ur statement saying that u never downloaded anything illict. is the forum now used to 'clean' all ur 'dirty' hands? gee Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
indijovek Posted March 15, 2006 Share Posted March 15, 2006 I dunno wtf is going on. I just joined this damn forum about a month ago and after checking out all the torrents available, mostly in GB, I realized there was no way i was going to be able to make any downloads until my work was done and space opened up on my com. So I worked and worked to get it done (I'm an animator and the bitmaps are huge), and now I'm very very close to the completion, and I come back to niteshdw only to find there are no torrents available whatsoever. Grok, this really sucks. I even dished out $20 for the software to make the downloads. Where have all the torrents gone? Will I be stuck watching these damn sci-fi reruns that I have on videotape (most worn down to static) forever? I was really looking forward to downloading some of all those sci-fi series eps that I missed. As usual, my timing is off, like it always seems to be. I missed the ship after bratty high school, got left behind to watch the river flow alone, and I've been missing every damn ship that passes ever since. Guess I'll just have to get used to the fact that I'm a 21st century Robinson Crusoe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LoveTrek001 Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 I voted other cause I actually download the torrent files themselves. So in the future I can download and not have to rely on a torrent site having the torrent or not... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
psheldrake1 Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 I'll download until they pry my mouse from my cold dead hand. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkPlague Posted March 17, 2006 Share Posted March 17, 2006 I dunno wtf is going on. I just joined this damn forum about a month ago and after checking out all the torrents available' date=' mostly in GB, I realized there was no way i was going to be able to make any downloads until my work was done and space opened up on my com. So I worked and worked to get it done (I'm an animator and the bitmaps are huge), and now I'm very very close to the completion, and I come back to niteshdw only to find there are [b']no torrents available[/b] whatsoever. Grok, this really sucks. I even dished out $20 for the software to make the downloads. Where have all the torrents gone? Will I be stuck watching these damn sci-fi reruns that I have on videotape (most worn down to static) forever? I was really looking forward to downloading some of all those sci-fi series eps that I missed. As usual, my timing is off, like it always seems to be. I missed the ship after bratty high school, got left behind to watch the river flow alone, and I've been missing every damn ship that passes ever since. Guess I'll just have to get used to the fact that I'm a 21st century Robinson Crusoe. Did you just say you spent $20 to buy a bittorrent client which is supposed to be free? That is just depressing... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bones2097 Posted March 17, 2006 Share Posted March 17, 2006 I'll download until they pry my mouse from my cold dead hand. same for me cept it would be my comp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
indijovek Posted March 17, 2006 Share Posted March 17, 2006 Did you just say you spent $20 to buy a bittorrent client which is supposed to be free? That is just depressing... Admitted, I was suckered, something that rarely happens these days as I usually can detect a con. I was a victim of sheer desperation. I had to cut corners after going online so I sacrificed cable-tv, which was mostly garbage reruns anyho, and I've been replaying all the scifi reruns I managed to capture on videotape, ad nauseum. After I found this site, when it still had torrents, I really looked forward to getting my work done so i could return and make some downloads. I did a search for one of my favorite non-scifi serials (The Fugiitive) last week and located this site called that promised that membership would give access to downloading any or all of my favorite TV serials and movies. The thing that really suckered me was the promo banner has 3 TV screens in it that display changing images from all kinds of TV serials, including Farscape, among others, and so I figured, hey, this site can give me access to all those sci-fi eps i missed, great. Well, it was just $17.88 for membership, with "no extra fees, just one flat payment", and in my desperation I went for it. Only to find out, after dishing out the credit, that it doesn't include any downloads whatsoever, just some software called "utorrent" that acts as a search engine for torrents that are avavilable online. I did the search and so far, have not been able to find much of anything that I was hoping for. I'll keep searching, when i have the time, but it looks like I was suckered, especially now that the MPAA has started to crack down on this "file sharing" business. Now, I ask you, is it not the very epitome of false-advertising when a site calls itself "" and promises just what it calls itself without limits, only to supply the sucker with torrent software and no downloads to tv shows whatsoever once they pay to get into the site? :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
andipandi3 Posted March 18, 2006 Share Posted March 18, 2006 I haven't d/l much, didn't know about this site's troubles... I've only d/l what I can't get on broadcast here, ie, dr who. When and if the who DVDs are released US, I'll likely buy them. I recently got hooked on Battlestar Gallactica, missed most of the first season and the miniseries, and said hey, I'll be good and buy the mini off iTunes. The quality was not as good as the Who .avi's I have, and for that length of time (4 hours) I would have rather been on my comfy couch not in front of the computer. But iTunes does not let you take your purchased video to DVD or other formats. And this wasn't cheap, $18. I decided it wasn't worth it to buy eps of TV shows at $2 a pop (times 20 eps a season, $40 bucks, the cost of DVD) when the quality wasn't as good and I couldn't play it on my DVD player too. I shouldn't have to pay 3 times to have the same content in 3 formats. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hilander72 Posted March 18, 2006 Share Posted March 18, 2006 @indijovek You've been had and you should tell the owner about this... utorrent official website: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thefrogg Posted March 19, 2006 Share Posted March 19, 2006 seing that i cant find a reliable source of D/L anymore i guess i have stopped all together even though if i had a choice i would D/L and U/L as much as possible Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
avagriffon Posted March 20, 2006 Share Posted March 20, 2006 The whole issue is sticky - The only reason I joined this site years ago was because VHS distribution stopped shipping ST-Enterprise to Australia and thus my local video store (right at the season one cliff-hanger). I own a copy of every ST, STTNG, DS9 and VOYAGER ON VHS, and now DVD. The only thing stopping me now from buying a DVD of ST-Enterprise is: A: MPAA and Paramount by association B: Being dicked (loyal fan) around, it really irritates me C: Seems to me I bought the other 4 series twice, this one is on the mount, I mean house D: They broadcast it - the medium TV/CAB/SAT is irrelevant it will be shared, stolen, sold, burned ect. - After All No One Is Perfect. Although it would be nice in PAL As for continuing to download, hopefully we will, just like breaking the law be able to do so if we choose. Azureus uses highly efficient decentralized tracking and a RC4 encrypted tunnel – There are services that obfuscate your IP putting you behind a big NAT router (basically) logs are deliberately not maintained. With this approach by the time MPAA or the NSA figure out what your I/O traffic is the copyright will have long expired. Not that I advocate breaking the law Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zeusmorg Posted March 21, 2006 Share Posted March 21, 2006 first off the MPAA is not responsible for "copyright protestion,, their mandate is cencorship in the form of saying what content can or cannot be included in movies produced and given ratings..(they are responsible for placing the pg, g, r ratings) so why are they suddenly in the business of suing people? Furthermore, copyright laws no longer protect people that create works,, they protect the corporation's money flow,,once again capatalism at it's worst.. copyright and patent protection was origionally designed to ensure that the creator of a work would be the only one to benifit from new technology for a short period of time. NOT protect anyone from using it ever in the future! Our system has gone to shit,, that's why i back open source, that is ALSO why i download tv shows that have already been aired for my personal, private use..they made their money,, anyway i could've watched it free. Also, they bastardize the anti-piracy laws, which were designed to provide criminal status to those making money from stealing copyrighted works and selling them to others,,none of which i do, nor does anyone else young torrents, or any other form of p2p sharing. my rant is done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pfred Posted March 22, 2006 Share Posted March 22, 2006 Downloading tv shows just saves me the trouble of capturing and converting it myself. I get tons of anime that are not available in Canada. and some tv shows that are not yet released on dvd. If they want to sue me I say bring it on... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megalith Posted March 22, 2006 Share Posted March 22, 2006 Ok must correct Zeusmorg assuming the MPAA has nothing todo with copyright protection, the MPAA or Motion Picture Associates of America is a self regulated organisation consisting the 7 Major American film making corporations This is what is said is the purpose of the MPAA on wikipedia Purpose The MPAA's mission is to protect member interests through political lobbying for changes in copyright and criminal law. It seeks to promote digital rights management technologies, seen by some as infringing on user rights and others as balancing user rights with artist protection. The motion-picture equivalent of the RIAA, the MPAA has taken strong steps to reduce the number of file-sharing sites online where copyrighted films are available for download. In April and May of 2005, signs appeared on the homepages of LokiTorrent and EliteTorrents (two large BitTorrent trackers), stating that they had been closed down because of encouraging the illegal distribution of copyrighted material. They have a website which i must say makes you laugh at the terminology they use and theyre completely erronous view of what filesharing is in reality all about. Personally if I was to see a member of the MPAA drowning in a river i would look around to see if anyone else was looking on and put my foot on the head lol. But yes it is ALL about money and it is capitalism at its worst. Not that, i must add, theres much difference between good capitalism and bad capitalism as the end goal with either is to bleed off as much money as is possible. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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