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you know you live in 2006 when...


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You know you live in 2006 when...







1.) you accidentally enter your password on a microwave.











2.) your vaccuming, and you pick up the little pice of string and put it infront of the vaccum to give it another chance to suck it up, instead of just picking it up, and throwing it away.










3.) you haven’t played solitaire with real cards in years.












4.) the reason for not staying in touch with your friends is that they don’t have msn/xanga/myspace/aim/yahoo/icq.











6.) you’d rather look all over the house for the remote instead of just getting up and pushing the button on the tv.











7.) your evening activity is the computer.










8.) you read this list, & keep nodding and smiling.











9.) as you read this list, you think about how stupid you are to read this.











10.) and… you were too busy to notice number 5.






















11.) you actually scrolled back up to check that there was a number 5.




















12.) & now you’re laughing at your stupidity.










I got this and fell for it, and I was laughing my ars off

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Guest c4evap
you know you live in 2006 when...


...you start reading (and responding to) silly threads like this... ;)


c4 :p

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Guest c4evap

Did you know that if you hold this thread up to a mirror and shine a light on it just the right way...absolutly nothing happens!




c4 :cyclops:

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Did you know that if you hold this thread up to a mirror and shine a light on it just the right way...absolutly nothing happens!



What were you expecting? Something?


Oh, wait. When I do it, I see, . . . I see, . . . YOU ARE HERE.


I wonder what that means.

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2.) your vaccuming, and you pick up the little pice of string and put it infront of the vaccum to give it another chance to suck it up, instead of just picking it up, and throwing it away.


4.) the reason for not staying in touch with your friends is that they don’t have msn/xanga/myspace/aim/yahoo/icq.



6.) you’d rather look all over the house for the remote instead of just getting up and pushing the button on the tv.




I've been doing the vacuum/remote thing for years man.


If I vacuum and there's something there it just can't quite pick up, I will keep rolling over it. I mean damn, why pick it up when you've got a machine designed to pickup such things for you ;o


And I can appreciate the remote control thing. When I was a kid back in the 80's, remotes still weren't common place in all homes quite yet. So I too know the efforts of getting up to turn the station, by hand, all the time. For bonus points I also had to fiddle with the antennae or bunner ears as some called them. You've never been desperate to watch something until you've moved the ears around AND put tin foil on them in some bizarre attempt to strengthen the signal ;o


As for #4, I can attest to this one. I stopped using AIM/ICQ and shit back in like 1999/2000. I use mIRC daily on at least 5+ different networks and I'll always check out new ones if needed. Yet none of my highschool buddies use mIRC and I just can't stand AIM/ICQ etc (yes even Trillian, which is nice, still just bugs me. 1v1 communication is so..ancient)

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i vacume over crap that you are not eve supposed to vacume over, like a damn penny, and when It wont vacume up i roll over it like 6 times until it gets in the bloody vacume.


And when i watch TV and cant find the remote i get pissed and walk donw to my room and get on teh computer. I just do want to deal with getting up and change the channel with my hands, lol.

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You also know it is 2006 when ... The last time you did a defrag was the last time you vacuumed up the remote control and later on that same day you reformat your microwave and then spent all nite chattin to ya buddies on your computer about what a biatch life is. While ov course getting sozzled on romulan ale.


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