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s28e13 -- Doomsday Official Discussion Thread


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I guess I just liked it the old way' date=' 25 mins per ep over many months, it seemed more like an adventure then. Its over too quick these days.[/quote']


Totally disagree. I watch basically one 25 minute tv show and that is Entourage on HBO (no censorship but also no commerical breaks).


Point being is that, these days I just can't devote time to watch a 30 minute television show which after commericals (for us US folk) is cut down to 22 odd minutes. It's like by the time you sit down go through the shows intro, watch the first few minutes BOOM it's already time for the show to end and you really didn't get much content worth out of it. Whereas a 45 minute show, much easier.


It's not A.D.D or anything of the such it's just I feel the content in such a small time span goes by too quickly, almost to the point where even if the next episode is supposed to be good I generally wouldn't look forward to it cause it's going to be over and done with in a matter of minutes it seems.


It's nothing aganist Dr Who persay I'm the same way with all 30 minute shows (domestic and foreign). Just can't get into them. When I really get into a tv show I enjoy, I need content. Every episode doesn't need to be all action and special effects nesscarily but the total span each episode lasts really anchors me into a show. Captivates is a better term.

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Thats why I hate some of our cable channels here, watch any Star Trek, well, basically any hour long (45 mins) show and before you get past the intro its gone to commercials, then before you get into a good plot, more darn commercials, Thank goodness for the BBC and its non-commercial broadcasting, and I hope they dont start in the future. Over here, ya gotta pay through the nose for a TV licence, then you got monthly cable subscriptions (unless youre on freeview, but thats limited to choice) THEN you gotta watch ads so they get revenue, its a wonder some of us complain when there seems to be nothing on but reality shows and pop-idol crap!

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Star Trek episodes actually got shorter and shorter as time progressed... but that's apparently happened across the board. Excluding titles/credits you're lucky to get 41 minutes of show.


Personally, I think the BBC offers pretty good value for money. However many TV channels they have now, 7+ radio stations and all their internet content. Not bad for a hundred and whatever pounds a day.

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Speaking as an American, I only wish we had the option to pay for a TV license and received 5 quality state sponsored channels like the BBC. Instead, in order to receive 5 quality channels we have to pay out the nose for 50-200 other crap channels that we neither have use for nor want. I pine for the days growing up 25 years ago when my family only received 12 channels for less than $5/month, but they were 12 good channels!

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One assumes that the stuff used to make Cybermen was brought across the void too... and I don't think there were a great number of conversions before it all kicked off.


Wasn't the real issue with Pete saving Rose... how the hell did he know to appear just then?


Good point on the TARDIS... maybe it has some kind of spacial anchoring device.


That's one of the evils of the lazy writing of alternate realities. The assumption is that most people have a double and that they're more or less the same... Yawn.


It is not necessarily given that the Cybermen brought the new material with them through the void. If the writers on top of things, one way to ensure the "survival" of the Cybermen is by having the real Earth-made Cybers go into exile, only to emerge again at some later point in the series.


Pete Tyler showing up in the right place at the right time was too convenient, and lazy on the writers part.


Finally, there was a HUGE problem with the Torchwood Project on the alt-Earth. If Torchwood was started by Queen Victoria as a reaction to dealing with the Doctor at Torchwood castle, then how come there's no alt-Earth Doctor but there is an alt-Earth Torchwood Project?

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Hmmm... maybe they should have had Rose sucked out into the void, so she could have come back as a superpowerful Dalek-CyberRose in a gripping two parter! ^^


Also... you don't know there isn't an alt-Doctor. Maybe he was too busy to drop by, or never left Gallifrey in the first place?

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Also... you don't know there isn't an alt-Doctor. Maybe he was too busy to drop by' date=' or never left Gallifrey in the first place?[/quote']


I thought of that and wondered why the Doctor didn't mention that when Rose was crying and asked if she would ever see her again. He should have said something like, "Who knows. It's possible I exist in this universe. But be careful. I might be evil. Or even worse, a woman." Torchwood was created because of The Doctor, and both worlds have a Torchwood, so the idea is entirely possible.


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Also... you don't know there isn't an alt-Doctor. Maybe he was too busy to drop by' date=' or never left Gallifrey in the first place?[/quote']


True, but if there is an alt-Doctor, he would have had to have visited the alt-Queen at the alt-Torchwood castle. Either that or alt-Torchwood was radically different from our Torchwood. Either way, there's a hole in the story in that none of this is even touched upon.

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Maybe alt-Torchwood was formed because Victoria survived the werewolf attack, and they discovered independantly from it that aliens exist... and thus founded (alt-)Torchwood to defend against such threats, much like the normal Torchwood.


Ediit: ... or the Master was there, and in saving his own hide he killed the werewolf, and was chased off, prompting the formation of alt-Torchwood.


... or the Meddling Monk dropped by, and annoyed Queen Victoria enough that she founded alt-Torchwood without the werewolf incident at all.


... or a crapload of other options. ^^'

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Afaik from ep 13, alt-Torchwood was formed just like normal-Torchwood except as Pete says the general public of the world found out what they really do and over threw them, thus putting in a more stable Torchwood that didn't hide stuff from the people of Earth and such.


Then again ya never know

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The Doctor mentioned that every decision we make creates new parallels universes but whos to say that the alt-earth didnt start out as the same as our earth and then after the point that the Doctor met Queen Victoria, the timeline or parallel split and our Doctor stayed on our parallel and the alt-Torchwood went along that parallel...damn I hate these topics, make your head hurt thinking about the possibilities.

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thats a good point RS after all neither the doc nor rose were in this alt-universe yet jimmy was huh. but hey an infinate number of parallel universes does mean an infinate amount of possibilities.


Has anyone seen any trailers for torchwood and whens it start?

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