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What would be the best new idea for new Star Trek Series?


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why not something in between tos and tng???? there were what..70 or 80 years in there....surely they could get a few good ideas about the "between" years to do a few shows....only that is if we cant have any more ent....

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why not something in between tos and tng???? there were what..70 or 80 years in there....surely they could get a few good ideas about the "between" years to do a few shows....only that is if we cant have any more ent....


Anything before TNG/Voy would be limited by technology and new ideas. People will always say but this species is not there or that technology was not around..etc.


I think the idea post TNG/VOY would really bring the Star Trek Fans in 10s of millions. Whatever the theme maybe.....wether it is


federation after a devastating war, New ship on an exploration peace mission


federation moving beyond our galaxy to other galaxies with new capabilities of time travel, slipstream drives etc


ongoing state of war with borg/romulans/whoever




a star trek show that encompases all that, a newer faster ship, the federation itself, the state of DS9....



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Bajor during the Occupation we'll say during the last 7 years leading to DS9.

Remake TOS.

Or maybe one called Star Trek Universe where each week we can visit a different species during any given battle, war or whatever. Just like today, I love being an American but it's good to see us from someone elses POV.

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Think back to TNG episode 'The Chase.' We could have something set a while after TNG where all the implications of the discovery of the progeniters are acting themselves out across the galaxy. It could essentially be the humanoid races banding together with a new sense of common ancestry against the non-humanoid races. Think Tholians and Horta (or whatever) vs. Cardassians and the Federation et al. Like a kind of massive racialist drama. You could probably find a really interesting way to fit the Borg into it as well, and the Wormhole Aliens. It would definitely be a different approach to ST.

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  • 3 weeks later...

StarFleet Academy.


A bridge crew, any bridge crew, retires together on Mars after their ship is destroyed at Wolf 359. They have lives, marry, and raise families. Years pass, the children grow, and join StarFleet Academy!


The people are of all different ages, allowing some to 'Graduate' and join starships away from Earth, while others 'Grow Up' and join StarFleet.


All the personal plots are intertwined, allowing the drama needed for 'Space Opera' while constantly rotating the cast - introducing new characters and dropping old ones. This would lead to LONG runtime as not many actors will be around for the entirety of the series, it could run 20 or more years.


Being based on Mars puts it 'In Space' while having the benefits of being on a planet, for the 'TeraForming Character' to continue their work on 'Green Mars'.


As well as the Utopia Planitia ShipYards, supplying a constant flow of nifty ships for the 'Test Pilot' character to hop around in.


And then there is Eden, er, Earth just a shuttle away, where the ‘Anti-Technologist’ lives simply in a log cabin home amidst a forest, always needing a high-tech rescue while occasionally supplying a non-tech solution to an unsolvable problem.


Along with the plethora of Alien Species that travel through the Sol System since it IS the HomeWorld of the Federation, where the 'Diplomat character' practices their art.


Speaking of Federation Homeworld, that sounds like the perfect post for the 'Admiral Character' at StarFleet Command.


Included as well must be 'The Dropout', a Merchant Freighter who wasn’t quite up to Conforming to Regulations and made a life outside of StarFleet, but tied by family back to the storyline.


All this revolving around the aging retired bridge crew, dying one per season, or as needed to advance the series.


And tying it all together is the 'Old Captain' of the original bridge crew, raising the youngest of the clan, regaling them with fantastic stories of yesteryear - "like the time that the Borg invaded, we were patrolling near a star system somewhere over there..."




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Personally, I'm thinking a show based on a small Starfleet strike team, trained in both covert ground operations and air combat (Anyone ever read Wraith Squadron?). The one thing that's always irked me about Star Trek is the lack of any sort of support fighter craft aside from the ones shown in Sacrifice of Angels (and if you try to mention Star Trek: Invasion to me, I get to stab you with a pick axe), and that we don't often get to see the non-naval side of the military. I think right now the newer and more unique the concept, the better. Trek needs to be revived and have a new facet added to it, and I think this would work well.

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In history of ST, never, a settler were mentioned for mor than a few seconds, will be somethng, if in this probable new revivel of ST:E a new way to tell the history, in fact if were tales with diferents points of view of this era. Be settlers, alliens or any other story. among long chapters of the story line of the serie. ;)

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In the last episode of TNG a future was shown, in which the Klingons had conquered the Romulans, and broke alliance with the Federation. I think a Star Trek series in that time period, showing the stuff leading up to that point would be very successfull.

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iv always wanted a picard dart board... oh wait i have one already!


but seriously, data needs to be moved to a captian position, perhaps replacing picarD! that would creat a rather intresting series!


that it would, heck, id like to see worf as captain...

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