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Everything posted by Mav

  1. Mav

    Martha Jones

    Then Jack would never age and never become The Face of Boe. Thus Boe would never encounter the Doctor etc he'd be screwing with his own timeline.
  2. Talk about a hodge podge of a mixed opinion on this one. On one hand, it had some of the greatest Who moments I've witnessed. The Master dying in The Doctor's arms, humans learning the story of the Doctor, Jack is the Face of Boe, the return of the "Utopia" plot. On the other hand, it had some of the strangest, most non-explained stuff. The CGI Gollum/Dobby "Doctor" (aging so far ahead, shrinks him into a Yoda like creature?), The Doctor being rejuvenated to his young self via "prayer"..., Martha leaving? (they debunked those rumors and said she'd be his companion for season 30) Overall, I'd say 8.5/10 or 9/10 give or take. The only thing I really didn't like was the "prayer" thing. I mean yea we get that the humans used the Archangel network in reverse, but how exactly was that able to restore The Doctor to his previous state? Or give him a surplus of energy to deflect laser screwdriver blasts? Past that, it was definitely good. Tennant really has nailed the "last of his kind" bit down, watching him cradle the 'dead' Master, brilliant. Oh and Voyage of the Damned? I love the Christmas specials but come on, another "omg the season ends with something suddenly happening or appearing in the Tardis?!?!" Worked fine for last year but again this year?
  3. That was the low point of the episode for me ;\ They always gotta bag on the Americans man wtf is up with that? I love Doctor Who but if I gotta suffer lame jabs at my nationality I might stop watching. I'm no Bush supporter, didn't vote for him but either way, they didn't need to do that to a president.
  4. I should have been more specific, by children I meant really young toddlers or babies. They do procreate, in some fashion, and begin babies on cybernetic implants at an early age but they aren't fully assimilated quite yet. Just got me curious as to how the Cybermen did it, cause every single Cyberman was the same, they just used the human brain right? So how could the immature brain of a 3 yr old function just as well as an adults, as being a Cyberman?
  5. Alright, so I'm rewatching "Doomsday" (I love it) and I wondered "What would the Cybermen do, after they 'upgraded' all humans and/or lifeforms?" Think about it. The Daleks, wanna basically purge anything non-Dalek. Aside from their Time War with the Time Lords, their end game is to destroy anything not Dalek, or in the new series at least recreate Daleks in some fashion (seen by the Emperor and later Dalek Seck) But what about the Cybermen? Say for example, their prime target was Earth, as in "Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel" or "Army of Ghosts/Doomsday". So if they upgrade all humans to Cybermen, what then? Their basic existence is to not age, not die, not get sick, no discrimination based on gender or race etc but what then? Do they like, go about day to day lives, as Cybermen? Speaking of Cybermen, what do they do about young people? They obviously upgrade adults, but have they ever upgraded a child? Or even a baby? Or is it kinda like The Borg from Star Trek where they wait till a certain age before beginning the total assimilation process? I always wondered this. I mean, every villain has to have a plan if they "win". Would they just kinda stand around, having conquered everything? They have no emotions from what I saw, so there wouldn't be like, Cyberman picnics in the park or a romantic dinner ;p (loved the s28 bloopers of the Cybermen playing soccer)
  6. I had wondered why he kept the Doctor's hand. And yea I agree that was a full blown regeneration, he got shot and was dying. The most obvious explanation is, since he changed from human to timelord then back again, this reset his regeneration cycle completely, or at the very least extended it. This also sets up The Doctor for many more seasons or series or movies. Since he became human this season then Timelord again, he should have more than just two more incarnations. Unless the BBC has plans to axe the series after the 12th Doctor dies, in which case the entire theory of him also regaining regenerations is shot to hell.
  7. That's another thing I thought. Once he pulled out the watch I was like "oh snap, it's The Doctor, they're screwed" cause The Doctor isn't supposed to cross his own timelines and such right? Encountering himself and influencing time in such a manner would probably, not be good. So basically, all Time Lord's have or can create one of these personality-holding pocket watches and become human?
  8. That, was brilliant. I actually liked the Utopia storyline itself. I mean the Professor hears this strange tribal like drum music his whole life right? And the Future Kind are potentially what humans "become", I figured he might suddenly devolve into one of them. Why did The Master snake The Doctor's hand? So he too can have someway of tracking him ala Captain Jack? Next week's, should be equally as good. They got no Tardis, no way to find him, Jack's timetravel is busted, oh my.
  9. It wouldn't be the first time the Tardis had "turbulence". In Runaway Bride, as the Doctor was wizzing past cars bumping into a few, they got shook around a little inside. When the Daleks fired misses at the Tardis it also shook from "the blow" of the explosion etc I guess it makes sense, since it's pretty damn hard to break into the Tardis without a key or the Doctor's permission, that once inside you're gonna feel things like. I mean how many times did the Doctor and Rose have a "rough" landing? ;p
  10. Hell, I hid behind the sofa for this one :( Spooky, damn spooky. It got scary as hell when dude twitched then looked back, instead of a weeping angel the angel had fangs, claws and was in a screaming pose. Overall I really enjoyed this episode. I was glad it wasn't entirely without the Doctor, he got steady screen time starting around the second half of the episode which was good. If the Tardis is alive, and sentient, couldn't it have sent itself back in time to meet up with The Doctor? Or does it kinda of, need, a Timelord to fly it? Just curious if their relationship is symbiotic like a Leviathan/Pilot from Farscape's is The ending was good, how cool would it be to just see "The Doctor" getting out of a car and running up to him? The transcript conversation was wicked cool, even better when she realized she was the person who gave The Doctor the information, in the future ;) Next weeks episode looks pretty good, "The end of the Universe. Not even the Timelords ventured here. We should leave."
  11. Much better than last week's. Tennant really pulled off the emotional scenes, bravo performance there. Loved seeing him have a tough time deciding, save lives or save his the love of his life. Though it was sad when she pointed out that, if he had never came there no one would have died. Which always seems to be the draw back of the Doctor, if he shows up, death follows and people get caught in it. Really loved the ending of the boy surviving the war, and as an old man as the Doctor and Martha watch from a distance, that was a very touching moment, loved it. Best part: The Son of the Family explaining the Doctor's kindness. He wasn't running away to save himself, he was doing it out of mercy o_O I really love seeing the Doctor just unleash his rage like that, he can be so bad ass when he wants I love it. Only a few minor nitpicks; The Scarecrow Soldiers were beaten by bullets? Sure shoot out their legs, they can't walk but some were just taking a bullet to the arm or chest and falling over. They are made of straw ;\ When the head master walked over to examine them they should stood back up and killed him. Martha finally professing her love for The Doctor. 9 episodes. 9. Hell she mentioned it briefly in episode 8 but come on, at least Rose's buildup took longer than that plus she had to deal with him regenerating. I really liked Martha being the bad ass at the start of the episode but it's gonna grow tired, her longing over the Doctor, giving him the puppy dog eyes and such. Especially with Rose still fresh in our minds, they should have expanded that story arc out some. How the hell did The Family move the TARDIS? It's locked, and much more intelligent lifeforms haven't been able to break into it or such (Daleks, Cybermen, etc) to my knowledge that is. But some two episode throw-a-away villains can some how move or get inside to move it? Plot Hole, especially since they didn't explain it.
  12. It was alright, nothin special imho. How many times can they play the "omg Martha is black and it's way back in the past where her people are persecuted!" ? That gets old. I wouldn't have minded the Doctor not being the Doctor, if they could give us more backstory on WHY? Why were some aliens hunting him? The Master's work? If they have a limited life span couldn't they just keep running from them in the Tardis through time and space? And why must they hide? Isn't the Tardis pretty damn hard to destroy or break into? No one just happens to notice a big blue box in their cabin in the woods? And yes, why the fuck must Martha fall in love with him, 8 episodes into the season? I miss Rose.
  13. I NEED TO CHANGE MY PANTS AFTER THAT SEASON FINALE My gods...everyone got their licks in toward the end there. Niki now has her super strength unlocked, goin after Sylar Wink Hiro comin out of no where stabbing him, and Nathan1?!?!?!?!?! I totally didn't see Nathan doing what was right. I mean sure he helped DL and Jessica locate Mr. Linderman but past that? I figured he'd high tail it out of NY. I was almost in tears at that moment, that was total beauty right there. I can tell ya right now, next season at least one of those survived, Peter or Nathan. Nathan might have taken Peter high enough then flew away before he blew up, Peter probably survives the blast and the fall. Hiro in ancient Japan?!?! frakkking sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. I loved how Ando wanted to help him but he wouldn't sacrifice a friend Sad He is truly a bad ass, he's like this amalgam of Future Hiro and Present Hiro now. I told you, I frakking told you Sylar lived. How I'd like to know, but he's alive in Season 2. It's gonna be a loooooooooooooooooong wait for the rest of Volume 2
  14. Typical good episode. It did seem a lot like Impossible Planet, I guess that's why it was just rather ordinary. I wish they'd change the formula up some
  15. Damn Nite, you just couldn't wait a week to attempt beating one of us in making the weekly thread? ;p Peter vs Sylar should be nice, i just hope Hiro comes out from somewhere and fights as well.
  16. That...was awesome, but...strange at the same time. I knew Linderman was gonna heal Nathan's wife, it probably sealed the deal in Nathan's head. But god, I wanna root for Nathan, I don't want him to be one of the bad guys, why can't he just screw politics, embrace his power and use it for good? Hiro and his father training. I'm pretty sure Hiro stopped time for them to train, other wise he became a pretty damn good swordsman in the time span of a day ;p Wtf is up with Ando though? Canadice's real "form" isn't her real form. I wonder what she really looks like? DL getting shot, again. Come on, he had time to jump infront of Niki? He couldn't have pushed her out of the way then just let the bullet go through him? Though, him sticking his hand into Linderman's brain, that was awesome. All the stuff with Sylar was great. We can cross Ted off the list of potential Exploding Man candidates. Sylar flipping the police wagon was sweet, kinda Magneto-esque even though it was telekinesis. Next week's finale looks sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet. Peter and Sylar, round f'king 3 baby.
  17. Lotta info on this one, read on if you wish; http://www.heroesrevealed.com/next-episode/to-train-a-hiro-heroes-ep-22-landslide-image-gallery/#more-463 So Takei returns, as Hiro's father. Judging from the screen caps, he helps teach Hiro the Bushido way of Samurai sword fighting? There's also; *Note* if the stream doesn't work here's a direct link; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHZr0OPY4fA [yt=425,350]CHZr0OPY4fA[/yt] A 3 minute sneak preview
  18. Oh yes, the hilarity of DS9 and the clever folks over at SomethingAwful ;p Scene taken from DS9's "In the Pale Moonlight" just watch, and giggle ;)
  19. Classic building episode, not as good as last weeks epic future one but still good. I wanna know wtf Thompson is up to, he says Molly can stop Sylar? All she can do is find him, past that her power does nothing. So did he just mean she can locate him for The Company to deal with or what? I really loved Mohindir's conversation with Thompson at the beginning. He's gone from a simple geneticist to a bad ass "I must stop the bad guy" type. Love it. I'm thinking Sylar went to see his Ma' cause well, he figured she'd die. I mean why else go back? I'd guess, his whole "I'm special" complex he's got that drives him to kill other heroes cause they don't "deserve" their power, stems from his mother constantly telling him he's so special and better than others. Sadly Hiro couldn't finish the job :( I don't blame him, he was super nervous, and as proven in the past when he's very nervous his power glitches on him, if he had kept time stopped he could have killed Sylar. Sylar painting the future in his mother's blood....w..t...f Peter and Claire, I just like seeing them together, they work well along side one another. Peter's taken up to his uncle role pretty good. Peter absorbing Ted's power...so we definitely have 2 subjects that could be the Exploding Man. I hope it aint Peter, but it'd also be sad if it was Ted. 2 more episodes this season :( It's gonna be a long summer without our Heroes Discuss.
  20. Well, yes and no. Originally, it was called "Five Years Gone" and "String Theory" was the title of one of the online graphic novels. Up till, I think last week, they switched that, the graphic novel issue was called "Five Years Gone" and the episode "String Theory". As I always do to find the episode title, I look at my digital cable lineup (it has the fancy menu's that let me see what's coming on, small episode summaries of tv shows etc). And this week's episode was listed as "String Theory" from my tv provider. The episode itself, if you saw the title credits, was indeed "Five Years Gone". They must have switched it again at the last minute.
  21. Dude...This was so far, the best episode of the season. By far. I don't even know where to begin, it was just that frakking good. Future Peter vs Future Sylar, who knows what round number, that was awesome. Yea it was a mega-tease, we only got a small look before Mohindir shut the door but come on...it was sweet, so so sweet. Future Peter was just frakking awesome, he really has mastered his powers. Future Hiro dying, sad, FRAK THAT, Peter has had to come in contact with Linderman at some point right? HEAL HIRO! Bennette, definitely a good guy. This episode sealed that in finally. He did the best he could, saved who he could. Matt had to be a dick and kill him ;\ Future Claire is so hot..so so hot. I can't believe she died. sad, frakking Sylar, bad ass yet an uber asshole. And how were both Hiros able to be in the same place without creating a paradox? I liked seeing Nathan (really Sylar) fly off, he never gets to use his power Sad (Nathan that is) LOVED THIS EPISODE
  22. See I don't think it's just an "angry" thing. Listen when Sylar uses it. It has that, tone, that kind of twinge in the throat much like Eden's was. best way I could describe it, remember Frank the Rabbit from Donnie Darko? He had that strange funky voice? That's what The Voice that Eden had, reminded me, so every time I heard her use it, it reminded me of Frank. Sylar's sounds the same, and his also reminds me of that. It is the Voice in my opinion.
  23. Better than last weeks. Though a few minor, questions slash issues; The Doctor, or a Timelord really, can survive a lightning bolt? I mean yea we know he can chew and spit out all kinds of radiation, usually by dancing but that's a lot of energy to just absorb suddenly. Him dropping his Sonic Screwdriver, is it just me or does this seem like a subtle plot device to show he mentally he just keeps seeing himself lose Rose by the grip of his fingers? I didn't believe the whole Human/Dalek hybrid stuff, though the other 3 from the Cult of Skaro turning on him was nice, saw it coming but it was nice. And we all knew, we knew, the last one left standing, would "emergency time shift" at the last second. The Doctor could stop Pig Dude from dying, but he couldn't revert the physical disorders? That mighta passed off during the Depression Era in America, when not so many questions were asked but what about later down the road? Tonight was the second hint that Martha really digs / is almost in love with The Doctor. Am I the only one that thinks this is too soon? Sure, being the Doctor I'd expect women (and men who care to) swoon over him but come on, so soon with a brand new companion? Unless she's not going a 3-4 season stretch why bother rushing it? Overall much better than last weeks, I got some awesome screen caps; http://mav.nitescifi.com/vlcsnap-5926084.png http://mav.nitescifi.com/vlcsnap-5926423.png http://mav.nitescifi.com/vlcsnap-5926866.png http://mav.nitescifi.com/vlcsnap-5928327.png Oh yes, I finally got some great caps of the really frakking pissed off Doctor ;)
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