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Everything posted by subspatial

  1. Once more unto the breach.... Woohoo!!! "Age has not changed his resolve, it's just changed the circumstances of his life." Alex Kurtman
  2. The lawyers are stalling and dragging on Abdin. Who will have to cave eventually. They've even started questioning their own arguments to stall for more time. The best thing I can think of is: Go and buy TARDIGRADES
  3. Have you heard about the STD Lawsuit? There's barely anything about in the media. Anas Abdin. Creator of the point and click adventure game TARDIGRADES. Is suing CBS for stealing his idea and turning it into ST: Discovery. Here's the back story. It's been going on since last year... See the rest of the Nerdotic vids for the continuing story. The CBS lawyers are basically stalling, hoping he gives up - or is financially ruined by the cases.
  4. Hi TetsuoShima. Wow, it's been a long time. When TFMF finally merged the old data into the new forum, I too was lost. Lost is memories 🙂
  5. Yes. WATCH DUST! It is probably the best collection of Sci-Fi shorts anywhere.
  6. They seem to have removed the video... so here it is from Amazon Prime Brazil:
  7. The end is only the beginning...
  8. Star Trek Discovery... ... Spinoffs. THE END
  9. That's a great idea TFMF... Episodes: Galaxy's Child S04E16 - Episode 90 of ST:TNG
  10. Wow, Outside of my house today, it was 47.5+C/118F degrees. How are you Northerners dealing with the heat right now? Lets talk about the state of the planet. This doesn't have to be a climate debate, or one on global politics, but they are both an obvious place to start...
  11. Nausicca Homeworld of the Nausicaan. Thanks for the update TFMF, I just checked the list and Nausicaan is already on the list, but that's the species not the planet. 🙂 [and I'm also being lazy]
  12. Ooooh, When did you capture that pdf dr_strekge?
  13. What are your favourite Sci-Fi moments or scenes? In any film, TV series, publication, etc. Here's an example: How to Captain a Starship I just remembered: A long time ago, I used my favourite scene/moments as my Avatar on this site (in animated GIF form). e.g. Sorry for the video, but i cant find my old GIFs...
  14. Species 8472 Did I just break the game? The last letter in this could be 'O'
  15. Another Update: Kurtman has confirmed that the new series will remain in the current (Roddenberry) cannon, not the new Kelvin timeline. Read the article below for all of the details, but here it is in a nutshell: [POTENTIAL SPOILER ALERT] - This may not even be the correct story... Romulus is destroyed by a supernova, several years after the Nemesis movie. Spok's attempts at stopping the incident fail. Nero goes crazy trying to track down Spok. Picard is (or may be) the Ambassador to Romulus at the time. Picards life and the entire balance of the galaxy, is altered in a massive way... Read the Hollywood Reporter And also checkout the Star Trek: Countdown comic series I'm getting very excited about this... I'm off to watch ST:TNG - Unification parts 1 & 2 And then Nemesis again 🙂
  16. Oh my, I forgot to say Happy New year to you too. Bring it on 2019! It has got to be better than 2018, it's the year of Picard!!!!
  17. YES!!!! Finally classic Doctor in HD [?] Goodbye everyone.... I'll be on Twitch forever...............................
  18. Well, just to show how out of date we seem to be, I was wrong. It was actually released earlier in 2018. Hidden away on the Stargate Command subscription service. [updated above]
  19. Every legacy... has its origins... Stargate: Origins - 10 x 10min webisode series - also released as a feature length movie titled Stargate Origins: Catherine (with updated SFX) See more info, plus some old episodes at Stargate Command
  20. Throughout space and time, yes. How did I miss this Farscape reference. Hilarious!!! [subspatial suddenly regrets remembering Farscape]
  21. Wow TFMF! What are your views 10+years later? In my part of the world, swearing is predominantly colloquial language I'll remind you that I'm Australian and... "I f'ing love you c@#!&". But, a lot of it has to do with tone. Intent. Tone, and intent, are hard to interpret in text form. ... Do we need to test the new filter TFMF? I'm happy to oblige 🙂
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