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Everything posted by GorunNova

  1. The thing is, from the quantum view, we'd be able to travel to other universes before we could be able to travel in time in our own universe... because the process would be the same, and travelling to other universes would require less criteria to be met. When thinking about time travellers... either this universe hasn't been found by interuniversal travellers from other timelines, nobody in our timeline has ever figured out how to isolate our own universe except (maybe) to return to the same place they left (i.e. only travel to when and where they left in the first place), or one of the above two has happened, but they were careful to not be seen or show up in historical records as having been here. Yeah, some of this is pretty mind-bending... but it's paradox free, and I consider paradoxes to be the hallmark of faulty time theories :D
  2. Now... I just have to track down something similar for Canadians! ^^ Mind you, most of those tips will work here, but the legal sources are far different, for obvious reasons. There's probably things buried in our constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms that have similar effects... Edit: Here it is for any Canadians to look over! (7-14 are the ones relevant to legal charges, but the rest is all good... Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Edit 2: Wow... I just noticed #4.2... not sure I'm happy about that one -_-'...
  3. 21 degrees, cloudy, and probably raining overnight, leading to thunderstorms tomorrow ;p Ah, well, it was sunny all week, so I can't complain ^^
  4. Actually, they could jump lanes... if you keep trying for many, many, many times the current age of the universe until it does ^^
  5. GorunNova


    Heh... as tempted as I am to post here, I'll pass. I've found that every person has their own beliefs, and will zealously defend them to the death in most cases regardless of argument. I say let people believe what they will as long as it's not that harmful, let the general happiness of the human race increase, and move on ^_^ <- is a utilitarian atheist ^^ ... let's get those happiness levels UP! :cyclops: Edit: <- would argue that all religions that promote an afterlife are destructive, but chooses not to do so ^_^
  6. Step right up, and pick your doc! ^^ Edit: Was, or is ^_^'... past tense when I meant present ^^
  7. I really did like Pertwee's doctor... he was so flamboyant ^^ Hey, I've got an idea...
  8. Taking a quantum mechanical standpoint, it's quite possible that time travel is doable... but pinpointing WHAT past would be the hard part. With a time machine, the logical first step is to keep a lock on where you came from so you can go right back to where and when you left after your trip is done. So... you go back in time, blow up Chicago, say, and then travel back to your origin point. Looking in the news, you find that Chicago is alive and well... nothing's different. You definitely changed a past, but it wasn't yours... because yours has a Chicago that wasn't blown up. Your time machine was set up to go back to your present, which was derived from your past... and your past had a Chicago. On the other hand, you could stick around in this different past until it progresses to the time from your timeline that you left, and things WOULD be different... but it's still not your present, because your present has a Chicago that was never blown up. The only case where it would be at all possible to visit your own past wouldn't be changing it at all, because if you look hard enough, whatever you did was already done by someone matching your own description. The sad thing is that you can never be sure if that was the actual you, or another you; identical in all respects to you except for the one point that it isn't you. You couldn't know if you changed your own past, or the past of a timeline that was identical to yours, but not yours. ... true time travel would only become possible when it's possible to isolate the exact past or (even harder) future that's your own... and even if you did manage to isolate it, you can only fulfill your own past, since doing otherwise ensures that you're -not- in your own past by necessity. If you DON'T stick to the exact spot where you left, it becomes FAR more difficult... you can give up all hope of ever returning to your exact timeline, unless you can somehow keep a lock on it in general while being able to change the destination... and even then, it may not be possible to determine the EXACT timeline given Heisenburg's uncertainty principle... just one observeably similar to yours. Isolating a time line may literally require tracking the existance, position, momentum, creation, and destruction of every particle in that timeline's universe for as long as it exists... which is impossible, given you can't measure a particle's position and momentum simultaneously with exact results. One last snag, though... experiments in time travel might wipe out our universe before they become at all useful. You see, if we flail out at random and lock onto a universe that happens to have a different and more stable set of physical laws, they may shift into our universe, wiping out our universe with these newer, more stable laws... sort of a big bang. (Hmmm... makes me wonder if that may be how our universe began? Botched time travel experimentation?) ... a civilization would have to be able to figure out how to connect to universes similar or less stable than their own before even thinking of trying to connect to them, or they may wipe themselves (and everything else) out. Of course, it's unethical to wipe out universes in the name of science, so connecting to less stable universes would be a no-no. :rolleyes: ... and if we connect to a universe with different combinations of dimensions than ours? Now THAT would get weird, and probably get quite lethal for either us or them. *whew* Quantum multiworld theory is fun ^^ ... this all derives, of course, from the wave nature of the universe. Assuming everything exists at all times and in all permutations eliminates arbitrary limitations and solves pretty much all paradoxes involved with time travel... and there's at least a little bit of theoretical backing for it. Time travel would essentially be a subset of space/time travel throughout all possible universes... with VERY stringent criteria. (i.e. specific time, same universe if possible, that sort of thing.) I'm done... sorry about typing your eyes out ^^' ... but that's how I think 'time travel' may possibly work in real life. It ain't anywhere close to simple ^^
  9. ... and get eaten by ravenous critters from outside time ala 'Father's Day'? No thanks ^^
  10. My guess? Accident during the Time War ^^
  11. We already know in Doctor Who that time != linear... if only that the Doctor has said it so many bloody times ^^' He could have easily came back later, resulting in those sightings. Also, without time lords breathing down his back, he can do other interesting things... too bad many of 'em would probably end up like in 'Father's Day', though ;p
  12. No... but there's on on the tracker, last I checked. Oh, wait... I got it as part of the 'all Peter Davison episodes' torrent >_<...
  13. There are no Bad Wolf agents here... I repeat, there are NO Bad Wolf agents here... Look into my eyes... @_@... you will obey me! You are my slave! There are NO Bad Wolf agents here!
  14. The point is... the original script was marked as #1... meaning it wasn't written with the intention of having three prequels.
  15. From IMDB - Star Wars (1977) "Adventures of the Starkiller: Episode 1 - The Star Wars (USA) (original script title) " ... seems to suggest you're partly right, Edsel. It was intended as a series of movies, but NOT as #4... but #1.
  16. Nope... Jon Pertwee's doctor showed up with Bessie in 'The Five Doctors'
  17. Oh, you meant the 'batmobile' clone hovercar thingy, right? That was only used in one episode, wasn't it? (i.e. Planet of the Spiders)
  18. I like serious AND comedic sci-fi ^^ Yeah, I was kind of disappointed by the new movie, though... but it was closer to the book at points than the TV series(as one example, they DID leave Magrathea before going to the Restaurant in the book, as opposed to just poofing there after nearly dying) They stuck Vogons where they were never meant to be stuck, in my opinion, and truncated too many jokes that could have been told given a few extra moments... ... but this isn't a 'rate the movie' topic, so I'll stop there ^^ I loved Red Dwarf (what I've seen of it), and hope more comedic sci-fi pops up in time ^^
  19. They're starting with 'The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe'? Either they're going by time written, they don't intend to do the whole series, or they're not going to bother with 'The Magician's Nephew'... Pity, I really liked that one ^^
  20. Actually, I think it was the fact that U-Boat captains wore leather jackets much like the one the Doctor wears ^^'
  21. What does smugness have to do with anything? I'm not smug... I just don't consider blind belief without proof a valid mechanism for understanding the universe in any real way. Humans in general have a wonderful talent for picking out patterns where there aren't any, and deluding themselves with weird ideas that have no real basis. Faith is unquestioning belief, and that's something I can't do. I have to question everything ^^. Ummm... right. One must believe in things blindly, worship invisible spirits, and hold to all sorts of arbitrary, baseless ideas to be human. That makes no sense to me... sorry. Everything is more valuable to me BECAUSE I'm going to die... it's inevitable. It happens to everybody. There's no point in worrying about it. I won't debase what I think is the most accurate way to uncover the truth about the universe around me just because it's not comforting or 'spiritual', whatever the hell that really means. 'Spiritual' seems to mean different things to everybody, making it mostly worthless as a symbol. As I said, believe what you will... I don't care, because the universe will be the same regardless of what you believe. I just believe in examining it, listening to it, and letting it tell me what it is in a systematic way without relying on strange, groundless supernatural crap that I make up off the top of my head without further analysis. I look about me, and enjoy this world, and all aspects of it. I will believe anything... as long as I have a compelling, non-arbitrary, and non-irrational reason to do so that doesn't limit me or blind myself to what is really there. Nope. I didn't read it. Now I just looked at it. My opinion is just the same. *sigh* I'm feeding a troll, aren't I? -_-'
  22. Ummm... the orbital version is a remix of the original Doctor Who tune... not the Eccleston theme, afaik, unless they made it very recently?
  23. If I had any idea on how to share it, I would. ^^' It's the original BBC Radiophonic workshop version, possibly from one of the LPs... no horrible TV garble ^^ (had that Orbital version, too... but I lost it along with a hard drive -_-')
  24. I think it was, actually... and I thought it was just the film ^^'... maybe they did it to fit the black-and-whiteness better?
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