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Everything posted by GorunNova

  1. I like to think the Borg is a tribute / cross breed of the Cybermen from Doctor Who and the Amnion from Stephen R. Donaldson's 'Gap' series... the Cybermen for their habit of 'building' Cybermen from members of other species, and the Amnion for their biochemical assimilation and hive mind (very much like the Borg with their nanomachines... except the Amnion use tailored virii and are purely organic) Actually, they're mostly based on the Amnion, now that I think about it... just tweaked to use nanomachines and cybernetics ^^
  2. Oh, I didn't say it was the ONLY sign, just one of many, MANY signs... -_-'
  3. Hey! I LIKED ye olde porthole room of glaring white... well, it did need some furniture ;p. Waitamin... wasn't that console ditched from the TARDIS physically at one point? Ah, well... odds are, very little inside the TARDIS looks like it did. Maybe the Doctor gutted it and updated it with parts from a more advanced TARDIS model, or maybe simply jury rigged and jury rigged until it ended up where it is in the new series? ... or maybe it's an entirely different TARDIS, and the Doctor kept the external appearance for nostalgia's sake and style? Edit: Unless or until they tell us something, it'll remain without explanation ^^
  4. There's no basic station in the US that broadcasts Doctor Who?!? Geez... if you're looking for yet another sign that US TV has declined horribly, here's a big one! :D
  5. I'd have to agree, actually... and if that reference is the case, it hints that the Doctor is the Bad Wolf... I'm still convinced that the Doctor isn't the Bad Wolf, though... but the Bad Wolf is probably VERY closely associated to him... or maybe even present? I think I'll look through the episodes and see if there isn't anyone in that shows up in the background common in all episodes (i.e. other than the Doctor and Rose), even though I doubt I'll find one. Someone else would have noticed it in that case... Great excuse to watch through 'em again, though ^_^
  6. Sold for revenue to launch his first movie? :D
  7. Hmmm... about Susan... would she not also be a time lord, complete with regenerations etc? What happened to her? Also, the doctor DID fix the chameleon circuit at least once in the old series... and it promptly broke, and he never bothered to fix it again ^^ Also... maybe before Gallifrey was destroyed, the Doctor stole/took/was given the Eye of Harmony? SOMETHING must be powering the TARDIS, after all, unless he found himself a different power source... *sigh* I have yet to see the McGann movie... will get it eventually, of course ^^ Edit: Whee! So much conjecture... but there's lots of interesting possibilities...
  8. Sci-Fi (and Fantasy, and any sort of story, really) will die only when people lose their imaginations ^^... make conclusions from THAT as you will ;) (i.e. if Sci-Fi does die, it will be because a part of US has died...)
  9. I'd prefer a full-size Dalek suit, myself... that, and a proper vocoder, and trundle into a halloween party. ^^ "STAY WHERE YOU ARE! DO NOT LEAVE! YOU WILL PARTY OR YOU WILL BE EXTERMINATED!"
  10. Whatever the new series is... Paramount and BBC should get together and have a Doctor cameo! :p ... seriously, though... maybe a series that focuses on something other than the federation? Oh, wait... that'll never happen. The other races are pretty flat, and they'd probably think 'viewers wouldn't relate to non-human characters' or something dumb like that. *imagines the voyages of a Vulcan starship, and shudders...*
  11. Yeah... especially since they're so intentionally a caricature of much of our society -_-' Heh... all are mirrors of different aspects of humanity, really. That's why they're all so monocultural. Even the Dominion is simply a look at our imperial side, so recently cloaked in humanitarianism. The Klingons are stereotypical Vikings... the Romulans are our more xenophobic side, the Ferengi is the modern business world, the Dominion is a mirror of 16th-19th century imperialism complete with the dehumanization of the 'savage lesser races'... and the Federation is an 'ideal' image of a galactic society. Me, I'd like an order of power sprinkled with honour, please ;)
  12. I'm snagging them now... listened to the first one, and I'm hooked :D
  13. Maybe Earth technology tastes bad to them? "Eew! That's EARTH technology! Spit it out!"
  14. GorunNova

    Gay Trek.

    What is it? 'Down with Gay Trash' magazine? A more risque version of the Enquirer? Just the magazine name and page number is enough ^^ Compared with the bulk of evidence for so many species doing it, there HAS to be some positive reason for it if only as one of many natural population control mechanisms.
  15. Hmmm... the Bad Wolf references are getting more subtle?
  16. Well, the Jedi didn't wipe themselves out, after all ;) Haven't seen it yet... probably going to in the next day or two... not as if it'll be leaving the theaters anytime soon ^^
  17. ... maybe he's sticking relatively close to Earth because he feels Rose isn't quite ready to go WAY off away. Or... he's trapped in the Earth locale for whatever reason... possibly something done in the Time War Or... the Doctor is trapped in Earth's vicinity without really realizing it, and Bad Wolf (whatever THAT is) is his jailor? Maybe influencing his mind to not even think about leaving the area as well as leaving subtle tags involving his/her/it's presence? (even a big graffiti of 'BAD WOLF' is subtle if you don't realize what it signifies... maybe 'Bad Wolf' is taunting the Doctor?) Heh... lots of possibilities, some more possible than others. Guess we'll just have to wait and see ^^
  18. Maybe... at the end of the season, the Doctor stumbles back into the Time War? After all... it happened, so therefore the TARDIS can travel there, and it would explain the presence of Daleks. Still... the connotations of the Time War may mean that some things were literally removed from history... Still, need more details on that ^_^. Still, the Time War would seem far worse if it meant that some things ceased to exist and even never existed in the first place... The pervasiveness of the Bad Wolf references hint at something powerful and nebulous to the point of supernaturalness... somehow, I think 'Bad Wolf' won't turn out to be what I think it is, though ^^
  19. ... maybe in the hiatus, the Doctor gutted his Type 40 and replaced a lot of it with bits and pieces from newer models? Not the chameleon circuit, of course ^^
  20. Heh... been a doctor who fan ever since I can remember ^^... one of the earliest memories I have is of a scene with the 3rd doctor, silouetted by the night sky, going to the TARDIS. (later, found out it was the very end of "The Green Death" ^^) *ahem* Well, I'm not a Whovian, though... I like ALL good sci-fi. Hell, I like all good stories, period. Still, Dr. Who had a lot of 'em, and when other kids were running around making their GI Joes shoot at each other, I was having them go on adventures in time and space ^_^ Ahh... so THIS is what nostalgia feels like! :D
  21. My question is... what happened to the console? Seems to be a lot less conveniently made this time around... cool to look at, but why? Other than designer aesthetics, did they ever have any sort of explanation? Not that I want them to turn it back, or anything stupid like that...
  22. GorunNova

    Gay Trek.

    Scientits... that's a good one ^^. Mayhap you could quote us some of these New Scientist peer-reviewed papers to back up your claim? ^^ Actually, far from being a 'genetic mistake', it seems that studies involving rat populations show that rates of homosexual couplings rises as overpopulation increases... meaning it may simply be a natural mechanism to help curb overpopulation. 'New Scientits', instead of ruling it a mistake, see it as a population control mechanism that occurs in nature. People will kill people regardless of sexual preference... and killing people is stupid, period... regardless of prefenences in partner, favorite card game, or ice cream flavor. As far as the productivity issue goes... does that really matter? Our population is growing so fast as it is, we shouldn't really be bothered by things that limit that growth so simply and without killing, maiming, or neutering. Edit: An interesting quote from an ancient Greek writer: "All irrational animals merely copulate, but we rational ones are superior in this regard to all other animals. We discovered homosexual intercourse. Men under the sway of women are no better than dumb animals" Edit 2: Found the reference for the rat study... Kirsch & Rodman, 1982. Also, there are other studies that have observed same-gender mounting in primates (considered common, actually), cows, sheep, dolphins, birds, and even fish (only as far as courting in the case of fish... given the way they fertilize their eggs).
  23. Heh... about 'younger audiences'... I'm kind of amazed at what 'younger audiences' find boring... and disturbed that these 'younger audience' members are as old as 30 to 40... I think it's more of a general decline. Anyways, going to see the movie today... that and Star Wars EP 3, now that I have some spare moments to rub together ^^
  24. I'd say there's more than meets the eye in the whole Daleks vs. Time Lords scenario... maybe the war was engineered? *sigh* well, we'll find out eventually, I suppose ^^'
  25. Hear, hear! It's one thing to watch a nice show, but a totally different thing to watch a truly great show that brings up things to talk about afterwards (or in anticipation of what's to come? :D ) It's even better, when these new, younger viewers are talking to older, old-series fans for background on this great 'new' show ^_^
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