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Everything posted by GorunNova

  1. With great power comes great... fun! :D
  2. Heh... Jon Pertwee had a lead for a bit, and then Tom Baker jumped to the top (as if that was a surprise ^^)
  3. Actually, since there's two games set it that era, it would just be a matter of turning the games into movies... It's not that much of a stretch.
  4. Heh... I still think it's funny that characters are getting killed off in virtually every episode and you're concerned about sexual innuendo... shows what society's priorities are ^^ Honestly, though, I do agree that they could have left it at that one dancing comment between the Doctor and Rose out near the crash site. Sexual innuendo without subtlety is definitely without class.
  5. Naah... that wolf can't be right. Not bad enough ^^
  6. *whew!* That'd be another reason I'm glad not to have a TV. Well, unless they actually managed to pull off a half-decent show. (Didn't mention 'fully decent', since I doubt NBC (or any other US network television producer) is capable of 'fully decent' shows)
  7. Yeah... their idea of 'old friend' was definitely not in sync with my idea of 'old friend'...
  8. Last I checked... Doctor Who isn't a kid's show. No show for kids has the sheer bodycount that Doctor Who has, and I seriously hope they never 'clean it up', although some of the sexual references were a bit too gratuitous. A little bit is fine, though. (heh... deaths are no problem, but sexual innuendo is? Does this sound weird to anyone else?) I will agree that they slipped a tiny bit with this episode, but given how amazing the rest of the season has been I don't see a reason to complain. Even the best series has its lulls.
  9. You know, on reading that my general level of surprisedness didn't only not increase, but it dropped by half...
  10. Y'know... MY first game was a pong machine, too ^^... I can barely remember it, though.
  11. To throw a more spiritual aspect into this topic, let's talk about reincarnation (I don't believe in it, myself, but it's an interesting thing to think about for those that do believe in it.) When you're backed up, will you -really- be transferred into that backup? If not... it might be interesting to see that backup, with his or her nice new robotic body, come across his reincarnated self a few generations down the line... Yes... I consider it more humane to simply kill someone than torture them for an arbitrarily long time (much longer than a normal lifetime, given the debated technology). The torture won't undo what the offender has done, and (as I said) I don't think they deserve free food in a cell, or free power in a virtual cell, when normal people are doing without on the streets. Of course, it's a different matter entirely if there is ANY hope at all of rehabilitation... Only repeat offenders that have demonstrated no hope of recovery should be considered in the 'incurable' category... Death of ANY sort shouldn't be taken lightly.
  12. Some of us across the great pond already get it ^^ (i.e. Canada), and I won't miss a single episode on TV, even if I grab the episodes off the net, too. ... and when I can buy them on DVD, I'll be buying 'em. This IS Doctor Who we're talking about ^^
  13. Any particular ugly, smelly old man? Can't just pick one at random, y'know ^^
  14. Well... it could cover the Rebel-Empire battles leading up to Star Wars. Quite a few worlds probably had issues with suddenly being an Empire, and the Rebellion probably didn't pop into existance fully formed. There could be lots of interesting stuff in that. Also, maybe a couple of Jedi other than Obi Wan and Yoda did survive... and so Darths Vader and Sidious would have to hunt them down. Actually, it might be kind of interesting to find out about Han's past. After all, one doesn't get on the bad side of the Huns, be friends with the leader of the Cloud City, befriend and earn the loyalty and service of a Wookie, etc. etc. etc. without doing anything. Y'know, as long as it isn't just George Lucas writing, the TV series may have some pretty good potential...
  15. I remember seeing some of Lexx... it had its moments.
  16. *sigh* Yet another sign that most big news outlets are utterly worthless, with more interest in getting reader attention than conveying actual, meaningful, accurate news. -_-'
  17. Most polytheistic religions typically have their trickster in there somewhere ^^ *sigh*... That's why I dislike the monotheistic religions so much, I think. They take themselves WAY too seriously. I think Mephisto was a bit more manevolant than a typical 'Loki' type being... but I haven't read Faust, so I really don't know. (added to my to-read list)
  18. *sigh* You notice that the companions are always cute girls, right? Y'know... I get tired of such blatant ratings grabs, but what can you do?
  19. ... maybe Q knew what he was doing, and was actually acting in a benevolent way (indirectly and obtusely, of course)?
  20. >_<... which is better? Putting their minds through a virtual hell for eternity (which won't help rehabilitate them), or execute them, permanently removing them from society so they can't harm anyone again? (this assumes they are incurably sick, and no amout of rehabilitation can cure them... there are people like that, and that's who I'm discussing.) Which is right? Which is moral? I'd say, if they can't be cured and will reoffend if let back into the public, that they should be executed as painlessly as possible to save future victims from harm. Gaah... I feel bad saying that, but it's more humane than meaningless torture and fairer than tossing them in a room and feeding them for free the rest of their lives when normal, good people are starving on the streets. Hmmm... on another point, 'going virtual', so to speak, would be an excellent way to solve food production problems. Virtualized people wouldn't need to eat, after all ^^. Maybe an alternative to execution would be to store the incurables I mentioned on their own server, effectively locking them up like we'd do in real life without using up all that food? Maybe even store their 'pattern', back it up, and put it in secondary storage, existing but not in use? (i.e. they wouldn't be -dead- (i.e. their backed-up minds would still exist), but they'd be sitting on disks in storage)
  21. Torrent sniffing dogs... I wonder :o You're right... the police do seem like vampires, when you look at it that way... I wonder if holy water sprinkled around the door will work...?
  22. *snigger* Sorry, I don't mean any insult by this, Davros, but the thought of 'ensign Davros' makes me chuckle ^^'... I can't help it! Images of Davros in a cadet uniform screaming orders at his superiors fill my head ^^ Could be his legs are very well suited for jumping, not walking. You may have noticed when he fights he ALWAYS jumps to move around, and NEVER walks. He can't very well jump everywhere, though, so thus the cane and the hobbling.
  23. That's it! The White and Black guardians will stumble in, look around in surprise, and get infected, wiping them out, and giving the Doctor and friends a chance to escape! ... seriously, my guess would be that Nancy will do something to or involving her brother, and it will disrupt or otherwise affect the masked guys long enough for the Doctor etc. to make their escape. ... or Nancy will get infected, and the Doctor etc. will go through the window behind them? ... or none of the above? There's a few options.
  24. Well... witch doctor did you pick? ;) Bleah... must... resist... bad puns ... in the future... >_<
  25. Yeah, I know... t = 1/(sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)) ... what I was talking about has nothing to do with hitting or breaking the speed of light, or going backwards in time in any direct way (i.e. by breaking the speed of light, which is impossible) Edit: That's the formula for calculating time dilation given a particular velocity... (i.e. if v and c are in meters per second, it tells you how many seconds go by for 1 second of time at a standstill. v = speed of the object, c = speed of light (about 2.998x10^8 meters per second)
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