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BorisP Topic Handling


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Lock them but leave them as they are...people have a right to view his ugly thoughts. It would be a more fitting punishment to leave them up, but with a note explaining he was asked to leave...or maybe a note about what the majority vote was. (How most of us felt)


Just to clarify so that people don't worry about witch hunts:


Nobody is banned by majority vote.


Banning happens like this (except in extremely egregious cases):



1. Moderator Warning - not a casual warning, but an official warning that will leave you with no doubts as to what behavior triggered the warning and what behavior you should refrain from. The warning should let you know that failure to change your behavior will lead to banning.


2. See #1, message will ideally let you know that this is your last chance - next infraction will lead to a suspension of privileges.


3. You're suspended and will need to jump through a couple hoops to get back.


At any stage, a PM to the moderator may clear things up and stop the process. And I don't think we'll keep track of warnings beyond 90 days or so (ie you'll slate may get cleaned up after 3 months of good behavior)


None of us hand out warnings casually, but I give casual (uncounted) warnings in PM.


Basically, act with respect, courtesy, civility, and common sense, and you don't have to worry about any of this.

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Well, perhaps now I'll rejoin the forum.


Some weeks ago Boris let loose a stream of invective agaisnt me in a topic on a repost of the Pyramids of Mars. [http://tracker.thompson-web.org/forum/index.php?a=topic&t=2825] To quote:


Steven, you got a big mouth and you don't know squat. You are a professional liar.


What is it that I am inexperienced at? You know all about me right? Please share with everyone what it is that I am inexperienced at. Or would that show you to be the liar you are?


Wrong? You are clueless. I made you angry so now you are doing what you can to get even with me. I don't even remember what I said to anger you. You obviously do. I just remember your name in one of the censored threads.


Spouting back rhetoric? Evil has it easy. That is why evil rules the world today. This man? StevenofNine can make up and despicable awful thing he wants about me. Everything you say is nothing more than an opinion. You have never met me in real life and you don't know me.


You are a typical FOX news watcher who attacks people personally. If you were so certain I was wrong about homosexuality, you could convince me. You can't convince me so you pull this personal attack stuff that is the work of Satan.


You arrogant #### Steven. Why don't you suck my cock? And if you want to ban me, go ahead. You people need me. I don't need you. Torrents are nice yes. I give back what I take.


To listen to this abuse from this lying piece of #### is too much. Someone open a thread that remains open and is not censored and I will prove Steven is a mental midget who either works for Israel or he is a gay person who is upset about what I said about gays. Upset does not mean he is right.


Science is about what is right. Not which person sold their soul to Satan for the ultimate skill at lying.


Emphasis added by me.


It was the complete lack of action by board moderators that I found insulting, and so I, too, left, returning only to announce posts.


I'm no masochist. I don't have to allow someone to speak to me that way. If Boris is gone, this forum can only be better. Leave his posts. If there'd been the precedent of a departure over similar material, we might have spared ourselves Boris in the first place.



Nice hit piece. Always good when you post what the guy did, but you forget to post what you said to prod the guy to say what he did.


I think the difference was, some people believe in talking to a person's face, while others believe in back stabbing. You said nasty things in a polite way. Then smiled and acted like you didn't say nastiness at all.


BorisP didn't believe in dressing up nastiness in polite speak. It is dishonest, it is lying. If you have something nasty to say, say it. It may be kind of ugly, but everyone knows honestly where everyone stands.


BorisP and you don't have to like each other for you both to use the site. You are saying you left and came back because of BorisP just so you could give him one final kick, the last say on his reputatation, after he left and was no longer her to defend himself.


This post is your way of getting revenge for the quote of BorisP that angered you.


Pissing on BorisP's grave is what it is.

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BorisP didn't believe in dressing up nastiness in polite speak. It is dishonest, it is lying. If you have something nasty to say, say it. It may be kind of ugly, but everyone knows honestly where everyone stands.


OK, Boris, you asked for it:


You are intelligent, but misguided. You are earnest but ill informed. You have knowledge beyond your wisdom, and no idea how to take guidance. Your reappearance as "woodrow" is simply a prelude to posting the same invective as above.


Your science is not science, it is prejudicial, wishful thinking and slanderous. You don't actually know what you are talking about. You can't change your spots, and, given enough time, you'll revert to the open, insulting and profane language of before.


You should stop posting here, before you take another ban.


Moderators must act or this will devolve. If I were the only one to find your presence here insulting, that would be one thing, but I am not alone. I understand that you angered many people, after I'd taken a leave of your hatespeak. Q.E.D.


I recently got a visit from Tetsuo, in my PM box, simply for telling theaveng that two of his posts were a waste of time.


OK, Tetsuo, back on the job, mate, what're you going to do, now?


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