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New Series?


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How about some "Wesley the Traveller" mini series; an adult now; shifting his shape and working in different places and times against the fall-out of the Temporal War; some "messes" the Q Continuum left, and a overall plot to evolve the human race's destiny?

Maybe working in a temporal team with a Bonded Thrill, a Changeling and an Ocampa.

Set mainly just after the Nemisis time period, the show could explore all places and situations a "Mission Impossible" in the Star Trek universe.


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I honestly can't think of anything more horrific for Star Trek than a series based around Wesley.


Having said that, many of the ideas - which I'm sure are tongue in cheek - if they were to reach the ears of Berman and Braga, may spur them to go back to Trek. Especially the CSI one.

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The problem which happened at the end of TNG was that the producers got too excited they brought on DS9 in 93 before TNG finished which made it difficult to establish itself being so different and not having any major characters which a spin off series would normally have. In truth I think if Riker had taken control of DS9 it might have done better from the start. :P It also competed against the similar Babylon 5


Then just as DS9 began to establish itself their excitement gave us Voyager which split the audience some people didn't like DS9 because of the space station setting and others didn't like Voyager for it's different style. ( I was the latter but I didn't give up on Voyager and I like much of the series)


Then Enterprise being set in the past has also turned some people away as we lost all the cool tech we saw from TNG onwards.


These aren't the only reason people didn't watch enoughbut they didn't help.


Star Trek has always been a drama where a mystery is solved every week but with action an Sci - Fi theme. THis means it can be a bit like CSI but there don't have to be any murders in fact all the popular genres could be explored in a new series because the idea is flexible. In fact I have seen them all from murder mystery in DS9's Field of Fire to battlefield medicine in ...Nor the Battle to the Strong and many others.

If writters can come up with a setting with a good level of drama mixed with the Sci - Fi then a series would work.


And it looks like most of us would prefer a series be set after Nemisis possibly after STXI (if there is one) with 70% of you voting this way.

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It's nice to speculate about another Star Trek Series.....


Unfortunately, the current bosses at Paramount have no intention of doing so. Star trek became a millstone around their necks, and they are divesting themselves from it.






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Anyway' date=' my point is that for Star Trek to actually be worth getting a new series, it has to drop the tried and tested Berman and Braga formula. The last thing we need is another series about spacial anomalies or holodeck malfunctions.[/quote']


And what exactly would be the alternative? Everything has been seen before. The whole sci-fi-series-thing is over. There is nothing more to tell. I know it sounds hard, but when you think about it, there simply can't be a new Star Trek that is worth this name.


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I'd love to see a mini-series WAY in the future where the federation is gone and something new is reforming. Sort of like Andromeda but with all the history, partial tech, races, ships (of various condition and age), etc of the Star Trek world.


I think Sci-fi does better these days with imperfect worlds and a touch of suffering and tragedy. Think BSG, Andromeda, Firefly, Star Wars, B5 and SG's. These shows all have WAY more grit and sweat. All the recent Star Trek's have been sterile in comparison.


The Federation became too perfect and powerful. I'd like to see something reform from it's ashes. Still exploring good / evil and morality but less of what to do and more of what not to do.


My 2 1/2 cents :)



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I think, for the time being, Star Trek needs to rest. If a new sieries were made, no doubt the idiots (Berman) who destroyed the franchise would be involved, and that would be disasterous.


Give it time people will come up with something new, fresh and worth watching.

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I think most people would agree ST needs a rest and many at Paramount will be very cautious about any proposed new series. That is why I don't want to speculate to much on the plot other than when most of us would like to be set.

Other than that ST trek needs to reinvent itself like it did with TNG in a way.


Asmodeusc is right in a way that ST needs some edginess to it but writers must be careful because if you go too far down that road it is no longer Star Trek with it's positive outlook which I really like. Too many Sci- FI series have a dark and pessimistic outlook it's all too depressing. :(

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See, that is one of the things I occasionally can't stand about ST, the whole goddy goddy high horse morals, it does wear thin after a while, they're only human, surely humanity isn't all that different after 300odd years?

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Star Trek's biggest problem has been that it's completely saturated TV with the stories of the Trek Universe space military. The genre's completely tired. Just let it die.


Things the franchise doesn't seem to explore much:


1. Does nobody else go into space in the Trek Universe? Howabout tracing the stories of a freight captain on the far reaches in Kirk's time. Or the stories of a new colony getting to know the angry natives? Or the stories of an established Kirk era planet being colonised by Picard-era aliens? Perhaps the post-Picard Federation collapses into anarchy? Stories of the pre-warp tech war-torn Earth?

2. Why so few plot arcs about when Federation societies go wrong? Can't totalitarianist states occur in the Federation? If not, what coercive force stops it and what does it do to free speech? Why are the few stories that look at these sort of plot lines over and resolved in just the one episode?

3. How about some stories where the aliens look and act alien and not just like some guys in face paint playing them as race/cultural stereotypes?

4. Why relentlessly episodic? BSG does the straight serial well and classic Dr Who did 2-13 part stories well. Mix up the formula.


There's a lot that could have been done to make the Star Trek franchise fresh, but, I can't see anyone doing anything but the same old "set it further in the future/past and add more gizmos and effects".

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3. How about some stories where the aliens look and act alien and not just like some guys in face paint playing them as race/cultural stereotypes?


See, with that one, you sort of hit the nail right on the head. Star Trek is (supposed to be) Science Fiction. These days, everybody assumes that if it has robots, or aliens, or spaceships, or it takes place in the future/on another planet, it's Science Fiction. That's not what Science Fiction is, though. Science Fiction is the use of such imagery as a way of masking a moral/ethical message. Science Fiction is like a fairy tale, in that it has a lesson to be learned, and the story itself is just a metaphor FOR that lesson. The reason the ship-and-crew-visiting-planets formula is so prevalent in Star Trek is that it makes it easy to have different stories, with different messages, in each episode. You want to say segregation is stupid? Have a planet where everybody is half-black and half-white, with the racism occurring based on which half is black and which half is white. Want to do a story about the evils of totalitarian rule? Go to a planet of Nazis.


Try checking out the SciFi from the 60s (TOS included), 50s, and 40s. That's really where you can see what I'm talking about.

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What about meeting an alternate federation like force at the edge of the Beta Quadrant that believes that the prime directive is utterly callous to the fate and suffering of undeveloped cultures that leads to bitter conflict with the federation with regard to the treatment of less advanced planets in its area of influence.


This could create a show with some kind of unsolvable moral uncertainty, it would also be able to present the federation in a questionable moral light without creating a dystopian world of collapse and rebuilding, like Andromeda, which Rodenberry supposedly was set in the distant future of the Trek universe in all but name. This would make any post Federation series a bit confused, Any such show would surely concern a crusade concerning the restoration of traditional moral values, like some of Trek's attempts at a darker tone.


A truely insightful look at irreconcilable ideologies of which neither is clearly superior would give Trek the boost it needs.

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Now, I really jive to the idea of an alternate Fedration. One wonders why they've never done something like that. Everyone else is in an Empire, or a Syndicate, or a Dominion. But you've gotta imagine that there'd be some other group, somewhere, which would band together to form a peaceful alliance among worlds. I would very much like to see the Federation's reaction to such an occurrance.

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they made 3 serrie about enterprise, 1 bout a ship stuk in delta quadrat and one whit a station at war whit the dominion. last thing we need in another enterprise, 3 is enough. there is many new possibility. exemple something about a timeship like the one in episode Relativity (voyager 5-18) imagine all the opportunity to bring back to the screen all the old crew...

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This is a difficult topic for me to think about. I have grown to love the whole TNG era, but I think going further into the future at this juncture would be foolish. I think they should do some more movies and let it lay for a couple of years and then totally reinvent the franchise, by combining all of the ST canon and bringong it all into one show.

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i agree whit you, 3 or 4 movies before a new serie is the best thing to do.


my english is bad but i will do my best.

if they make a new serie, they will have to make a continus story, to keep people wonder what come next. i try to give you some example to help understan. ds9 when they came up whit the idea of the war, it was great because i wanted to see what will come next. but if you take TNG they got what 2 or 3 episode part 1 and 2, that suck all the rest is rawdom subjet. voyager was great because you always wonder how they will finaly get home. another example ENT season 1 and 2 realy suck i think its the worst thing star trek ever made. but season 3 was the best star trek i ever see, why it was the same story for the complet season, the war whit the xindy.


conclusion, in the next serie they bether star on a solid story!

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