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Konqueror all the way :) , occationaly firefox for broken websites (like this one ;) fast, with all the fetures I like, and it came with kde :) oh yeah, and its not always opening new windows on me like firefox likes to

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I switched to Firefox awhile ago and there's no going back. The only feature I miss from IE is autofill. And I expect that Firefox will get something similar soon enough. Even if they don't, I'm not going back.


And now they have. AutoForm 0.5.6

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I use IE. It's already on Windows and has all the features I need' date=' except that it does not tell me what my connection speed is.[/quote']


It also has plenty of features that crackers & spy-ware needs, but YOU neither need nor want. You're leaving yourself more vulnerable to attack, more open to FBI, RIAA, & MPAA snooping. Enjoy IE if you must ...

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Once you switch aay from IE, you can't go back. Even at work, I have Opera. When I'm at the computer lab, I use Firefox, or use Remote Desktop to log into my computer and use Opera. I HATE IE. I can't use it. I'm so use to all my shortcut keys and mouse gestures that using IE just annoys me to no end. At the VERY least, everyone needs to download Firefox and Opera, give them a try, and dump IE.

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Opera B)


i would recommend any browser but ie.


Well, Lynx would make browsing this site a wee bit difficult ... B)


it works!! but logging in IS difficult (the redirect after login doesn't work, you just see a blank page)


but it's enough to tell the tracker your new ip, without powering up the real system.


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4 years ago, when I got completely sick of Win98 crashing, I tried a different operating: BeOS. I didn't stay with it (no support for my sound card), but it introduced me to Opera. And I haven't looked back since. And windows crashed a lot less too when I didn't use IE.


Altho as I write this, I'm testing out the latest version of K-meleon, the other lightweight Gecko-based browser, started before even Phoenix/Firebird/Firefox/Name-of-the-Week came on the scene.

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I like Tencent Traveler. Has tabs as well, and can pause/resume multiple downloads as well as specify where the link to the file is that you want to d/l. It also keeps a list of the websites you visited as well as each seperate page. Heck you can even listen to free Chinese songs with lyrics, in the 2nd pic. Sorry, it only comes in Chinese though. http://down1.tech.sina.com.cn/download/downContent/2004-03-16/7527.shtml






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  • 2 months later...

Dad-blam that Firefox!!!


I've become addicted in the last year I've been using it (since it was FireBird, actually). Now, with release 1.03 it's been having problems when I click on a link that wants to open a new browser window. I can usually get around this by doing a right-click and opening a new tab.


The problem is that the new window never opens, but a firefox.exe process gets spawned. Once I close the original browser window, I cannot run Firefox again without opening the task manager and manually killing the residual firefox.exe process.


This has happened to me only since I upgraded to 1.03, but it happens both under WinXP and Win2K.


Anybody else have the same problem?

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I haven't updated yet, but its all about centere clicking and having a new tab open. Especially when i'm on a site where i'm opening a lot of links like(rss feeds, or a forum, or a torrent site). I just centere click any lick i want open and then just click on that tab as I want to read them.

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Dad-blam that Firefox!!!


I've become addicted in the last year I've been using it (since it was FireBird, actually). Now, with release 1.03 it's been having problems when I click on a link that wants to open a new browser window. I can usually get around this by doing a right-click and opening a new tab.


The problem is that the new window never opens, but a firefox.exe process gets spawned. Once I close the original browser window, I cannot run Firefox again without opening the task manager and manually killing the residual firefox.exe process.


This has happened to me only since I upgraded to 1.03, but it happens both under WinXP and Win2K.


Anybody else have the same problem?

I never had any differences when I upgraded mine. I have mine set to open in a new tab instead of window, if the site tries to force it, like clicking on the tracker buton from here. I also middle click to open in a new tab, and then middle clicking on an existing tab closes it. I do have an extention "Tabbrowser Preferences" that I didn't think really did anything, but that might have saved me from the problems you report, so you might wanna look into that.
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