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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by str82u

  1. The dog only gets 5/10, the show less.
  2. The Navy, at one time, had plans on naming a new escort ship SPAM, after all, it has been a mess hall staple for years. After consideration, the company that produces Spam declined the offer of putting it's food name on a naval vessel, citing that while the advertising would be unbeatable, if the ship ever sank, every newspaper in the world would announce "500 killed on Spam" True story? Hell if I know, been carrying that around for years.
  3. Thoose bars are cute, but with few exceptions I always feel like someone else has or has seen it already and that I have to have something original. My walking pot leaf avatar is temporary, I found it somewhere and couldn't resist.
  4. I dropped that on a freind and he said it was bunk, me, I'm not talking on two cell phones at the same time anymore.
  5. There are folks out there (a little like me) who will take the opposite position from you every time, especially if it's not thier idea. I'm for exploration and finding room for all the babies that are coming, cause another trait of people is uncontrolled breeding.
  6. All the options were meaningless to me. I probably owe more to the Romans or British, but I don't know that buffing up on history is on the schedule for tonight. Nope, it's not, see, it's sci-fi night. Maybe history is tomorrow.
  7. I'd be like one of my iguanas. Breed, eat, bask and be completely oblivious to the world around me. MAtter of fact, I'm there now.
  8. Then together they have breakfast.
  9. Jim Carrey was quoted as saying "Give someone all the money they can spend, let them satisfy all thier desires. Then they'll know money doesn't solve anything" Paraphrased.
  10. "Hey, Let me show you what this one does..."
  11. str82u


    I don't believe Revelations in such a literal way, but if by mark of the beast they mean that credit card in my pocket...
  12. You know what they say about no news being good news, eh?
  13. I see this alot, people who want to search for people or information that's available on the web, but they don't know how. Thy just can't get past the search engine and have no imaginations sometimes. That's not all users, but the average user.
  14. Wow, I've seen that for years and it never ceases to be disturbing. 6/10
  15. That was the one that continues to poke fun a trek fanatics and those that embarass us all.
  16. I bet some bright intern will suggest remaking the original series with new Spock and Kirk. Then they'll make millions and not share any credit with the intern.
  17. I'll give it try, my connection is slow tonight, it took two seconds on that. Thanks c4
  18. I was sure there was a movie that accurs before or after Starship Troopers, anyone care to comment?
  19. I didn't vote, I think we are both in our own worlds. Not that the planet isn't getting smaller due to technology, but at the same time we are two idependant groups.
  20. Back in the day I wanted a website for free searches for people and public information, like sex offenders that weren't well published. So what would be a good name and try to be cute?...I was bringing information straight to you, and on a license plate I could make it Str8 2 U...women don't get it at first, haven't figured out why either. Maybe I could get a government grant to study this.
  21. The point here isn't "What monkey would pay that for downloads?" but a few forms of gratification. Instand Delivery, it's a purchase (Do You Like Spending Money?), "I'm a part of technology", YAY! Hey, you know some of those monkeys are thinking the opposite, like they're getting over on the studios cause they got it cheaper...without the case, notes, shiny printed disks...yeah.
  22. Nowadays it seems like the rule is to get as close to being warned as possible.
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