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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by str82u

  1. str82u

    Voodoo head

    What a name, she was Severe.
  2. I can sit the rest of this out, but I think it would be agreeing with GorunNova to say that Russia may have left God out in the cold and that's why the thing fell apart. I can't tell anyone what to believe, but I can say that it is neccessary for most folks to have that 6th sense that there is something beyond the present "physical" form.
  3. Wow, I had that one too, it had timecode on it! Maybe it's not the same, but we'll all keep it secret so I feel better about watching the thing...
  4. Does sound cool, I'll keep my ears open.
  5. Wow, that let's you know they're thinkin' about you though. So far I don't exist to my ISP, yeah, I fell between the cracks. There are alot of crumbs here. I try not to keep most of the stuff on the PC longer than it takes to reseed to 1:1 and burn it.
  6. And another thing... You know, Jackson's an unknown at this point. This sucks. The website doesn't offer any consolation either.
  7. I never saw this. I had no idea the BBC was going door to door to put the fear of law into people. That's so messed up. I don't know how they got that way, but here in the great 'ol USA, the TV stations pay people to go out and get other people to pay to advertise the products or services they provide. Advertising is wonderful as long as it isn't in a persistant pop up window. I read the note they leave on the door. You know what, now that I think of it, that's Bass-Ackwards. If the BBC beams the signal out, then I buy a tv, does that mean it's in the air to pick up or on a cable? If it's on the air, how the hell do you charge people for that? Back to knockin' on doors I guess. "Can we search your house, we suspect you may in possession of a Television." Couldn't believe that crap, but 42 pounds a month for black and white isn't so bad.....I don't even pay that much for my Cable here in the states. Yeah there are commercials on, but how can you broadcast something then charge anyone who recieves it? I suppose it makes sense, but a TV wouldn't be a great gift for a college student, eh?
  8. As far as outlooks, the weather channel is more accurate. Just give it time, that neat, small, compact electronic device you carry (whatever it is iPod or cell phone) is just one type of technology,bombs and killing devices are getting sleeker and cooler too. Someone is gonna get a camel hair across theier ass and that's it ...KABlooey! And while we're in the mirror universe, Would You Trust Iran?
  9. Hello New People, Doesn't it seem a bit like being a kid in a candy store?
  10. Everything except DS9, never liked it, just something about it that bored me before I even turned the channel. I have abused the rest of the material though, I've seen everything else, voyager less, but ...
  11. Good shot man. There seems to be a big enough stink, maybe USA will see that. It may be that they know he's using a collection of other peoples stuff, I'll have to check out the show, or is it simply a televised version of the site?
  12. Hey Mav! That was odd, I heard things I haven't heard before, as a matter of fact, I watching the tail end now. That is a little unsettling, but the quality is horrible. I couldn't make out shadows or see what he was trying to point out in most of that. If he were right, someone else would have brought this out by now, I'm sure, there is no way the government could stop all of us. On the other hand, the Pentagon parts did leave alot of questions. EDIT: I tried going to the website this came from, the thing is nothing but intuitive links, I wasn't able to view any other video, or anything else for that matter.
  13. str82u

    into MA??

    I like to watch movies that are mixed, like some of Jackie Chan's stuff, but I quit watching the cheesey ones when I was about 13 or 14. Some of the stuff Jet Li pulls of is fun to watch, and of course, who can forget Bruce Lee, that guy had it down.
  14. str82u

    Who Are You?

    YIKES!!! What happened to you...please say something happened to you.
  15. Decriminalize - That wonderful word that means it's more of a bother than benefit to try to find you, much less house you in a jail and prosecute you for money you probably are going to sit in jail to pay anyhow.
  16. I don't like it, but if they made it from scenes from something else. No, seeing quick clips doesn't tell the story, but in my mind it feels that way.
  17. That's kinda, not kinda, but really messed up. The gal chops up a dead body to conceal her prostitution bussiness and doesn't even get charged for dismembering a corpse. Technicalities are messed up until you get off on one I suppose.
  18. str82u

    Who Are You?

    Name: Andrew Clark Age: 35 Occupation: Nothing Right Now Hobbies: This Computer, My Iguanas, Smoking Accesories, Coins Favorites: Enterprise, TNG, Surface (for now), SG1, Star Trek Movies, most of the stuff on History Channel Location: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA HERE I AM! The Evil Male Iguana (shedding) The Nice Iguana (male too I think)
  19. str82u


    Welcome to all! There is an FAQ section here for everything from ripping shows to turning them back into DVD. There are also forum rules that should be observed, but the basics are not swearing and having a sense of humor. There are no Ratio Rules, I believe the site owner can see it and it used to be posted for you to see, but that is no longer the case. The tracker relies on members to do the right thing as far as ratios.
  20. Even as a young man who used Loren Greene as a role model, I didn't even watch that BSG 1980 when it aired, and I was a big fan of the show.
  21. Yeah, or give it the old Pauley Shore try. "Hey, I know that guy!" "Oh, that case, I've reading about that on the internet." or "Yes, I was just dscussing this with Orson Welles." and last but not least.... "Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take...."
  22. I feel for you, they pay like $5 a day in Cumberland County,PA.
  23. Sci-Fi Channel has some funny station identifiers, the little clips that say "IF". The one called human suit is hilarious, they have them at different qualities.
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