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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by str82u

  1. A cool set up I saw on a CMS site was a Battle and Monetary system. You could upgrade you forum title and description, attack people or gang up in groups.
  2. This is an on demand world and as far as all the comments go, the Big Wigs in the sky know what people are doing. The average people. Those who have spyware and asked for it, those same people who don't care how something works, as long as it's there. The same ones that let the "Ooh Aah" cause them to fork out $300 US per child for iPods. It happens and these people are straight up drones baby! They believe a lot of what they're told without question and advertising and the media tactics work on them. So does the Jedi Mind Trick, I make money like this. So anyhow, I never have bought becuse of a download. Criminal? I buy other stuff, don't get me wrong. The kids have show sets, and you just have to have the Star Wars sets, it's just waiting for the right ones. By the way, they market those around my birthdays... I wouldn't have watched some of these shows to tell anyone else to watch, so they got something out of me.
  3. Perhaps remaming it might be in order. A domain is only a few bucks if it's available. Just saying...
  4. I'm guessing he was referring to this ;) Although the original post seems to be deleted now... :rolleyes: Yes, that's about the gist of it. But here's a real head kicker: at 1:35pm he post's thisto the board: Then at 1:37pm I get a PM from him: And this is what I could have said, but I think I got this point across. So my final point (blunt as it is) is just to keep hanging out, I'm not burying my head in the sand on this, but I really do think it's too early to call the coroner. Besides that, I still haven't learned everything about video editing, which is one of ways I got here in the first place, cause I needed an education. And on that note, I would have never known of the .avi capable DVD players on the market, do you know how much you can put on one disk? That dvd player is my favorite toy! Sorry to earthjedi01, but you'll want to avoid this post.
  5. Yes Potato, I would say so, and you're right, I did put a nasty tone on it, but ... Well, it's just how I see things, it's frustrating to have to filter through all that clutter from folks that either don't know, don't care or have nothing positive to contribute.
  6. Warp5 just paid for the licensing right there with that big sexy robot! Wonder if running MPAA ads would shut them up. Personally, it seems like a ruse on the part of THE MAN, cause you know how it works, they get the legal action started long before they let you know about it. How many sites got locked out just before they got contacted? I haven't gotton anything off the tracker in weeks I think, spending time with MOSt of you is why I come here, so let's not let that go. Otherwise, I can't say what I really want because It'll get modded, but let me start a list. 1. Noobies to the site, shut the f@#$ up. 2. Everyone who is jinxing the thing with legal talk, eulogies, swan songs and "Thanks For The Memories" posts, shut the f@#$ up. 3. You, yeah, you with the "Where can I find..." questions. Man, that's insulting. Not only should you get out, but shut the f@#$ up. EDIT: when I posted this it returned me to the top of the page with CyberBob's post. Dude, shut the f@#$ up. Just what a guy needs, people piling misery on the doorstep. I know many of the users here agree that this right here, this forum, this is Niteshdw.com, we may not all be freinds or even like each other sometimes, but I had my eyes opened several times here and I bet it happens again. This is the site, the torrents can be found anywhere, but this group of users is nowhere else but right here. Personally, I'm hoping to get involved with the Torrent Tome project, I think this is the future for alot of us since we know more about the shows and movies than average people care about. So say we all?
  7. Did someone forget to lock the front door? Anyhow, we know what's going on and what we're up to. Just because all this press is flying around, I wouldn't start throwing dirt on the coffin, know what I mean? EDIT:Hey here's a quote from MP@@ off their site, and this is funny. If you ask me, they should be paying us since we already tested delivery systems and innovation in moving files around.
  8. NiteShadow.com is the name they mentioned in the notice, I tried this as a domain and someone owns it, it's been around since 2000. If you try to go there it's closed up. What are the chances that there was another torrent site called NiteShadow.com
  9. You know, the MPAA wasn't outside the theaters I snuck into as a kid, guess they ddin't care about. If we all lived in a big ass house, we could share legally, this is just my way of sharing my stff with all my brothers and sisters everywhere.
  10. Yeah when i joined a year ago - we still had everyones download stats! :cyclops: and although thw wiki idea would mean more popularity - the site is already very popular and very easy to get to - i think bringing back the invite only system would make things a bit safer... I agree with this, wiki - no, invite yes. Safe is better, at this point, there are enough of us that the tracker itself could be private, while the forum and TorrentTome project can be public. The front for our underground activities..laundering .torrents.
  11. I'm just here to piss people off. And to be pissed off. I got into a place that seemed too good to be true and started downloading. Next thing you know it's next year and yes...TFMF, you have more time on your hands than me, so does c4, who thought anyone typed that much for fun. Anyhow, it's been fun, I'm still waiting for a T-Shirt or Beads, how about a coffee cup? Pencil? No kidding, how much money could nite make on us if he came out with an Official NiteShdw mousepad? EDIT: the M-P-@@ report I read earlier only credits us for half of that membership. Pigs.
  12. Believe it! They missplelled the site name, but I did read the press release off their site. Actually, they way it reads, the sites themselves are blamed for offering content (yeah c4, I know what you said, I'm a copycat tonight), but if the stats are right, I'm impressed with this I just can not see how the hell they can say 'This site is doing bad things" when there is software out there for people to pass around files faster. All I do is find a file with an address to someone elses computer. Of course I understand that sites like these are congregations of people saying "Piss On You" to M|P|A|A...hmm, yeah, that's what I'm doing and that single point is what keeps them going, cause you know it isn't the money. C'mon, what pisses you off worse, getting robbed or disrespected?
  13. I think she's either a good actress with poor writers or poor actress. I tend to think it's how she's written and directed, a lot of starring and not saying anything.
  14. Nothing better than being able to watch all the seasons before season 1 ends for your countrymen.
  15. Now that things are wrapping up I realize how unattractive I found getting into the other season long series. Now that some may not continue we have to get ready for the next wave they toss at us.
  16. What a wait that is. And that Finale kinda sucked, huh? If that's the case I'm going to end it myself and say the Creatures picked the planet clean of every source of meat.
  17. Oh, thank goodness, ...I thought I missed Family Guy...turns out they reversed it with Futurama. You were expecting a decent comment?... I don't drink anymore, I get a fierce case of the dumbasses, I do however get my buzz on...
  18. Yes, extra work, but work we'll do just cause we like it so much. Here in the States, they can get you if they think you talked about filesharing. As far as I can tell, with the exception of file servers, most of the people who get busted were found by real low tech means. Nothing more than average users.
  19. That won't do, you need a bulk eraser, which is a giant electro magnet that can be mounted below a hardrive. You can usually get one from an electronics store. I don't know how long it would take to completly dystroy all data, but it couldn't be more than a few seconds.
  20. A real fan will go to the theater to see it anyhow. by this time, the new movies had me so disappointed I wasn't going to fork over another $10 to Lucas, he got enough of my money when I was buying all those action figures in the '70's and '80's. Is that justification to steal or cheat? No, but it makes it alot easier for me. I wasn't going to buy the DVD either, but I did like the last one and did the franchise a favor by telling everyone else it was good enough to watch. You don't see George Lucas paying me for word of mouth advertising do you? I bet you don't know anyone else who did either....
  21. That's definately gonna get tried after p9 tonight. Good looking out, that's pretty cool.
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