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Starfleet Security
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Everything posted by S0V13T

  1. Lot of great posts regarding both sides of the discussion. Heres some video resources I just stumbled on about both sides of the story. So, for everyone that has a very strong opinion on the subject of the oritgin of man / nature of the universe, do yourself a favor, and ste aside an hour of your time, and watch both of these videos, and listen to what your side, and the contrary side have to say on the subject. Kirk Cameron's (30 min) video debunking the theroy of Evolution ( link here ) Penn (Jillette) and Teller's Bulls HIT episode (30 mins) debunking the concept of Intellegent design. ( link here ) Just a word of warning about the Penn and Teller video ... expect profanity, nudity, gratudious close up magic tricks, and really bad video encoding (works just fine if you just listen to it)
  2. *Not a dig, or show of disrespect towards the forum mods / administration* Hey, I think it's a good idea. It encourages forum owners to appoint moderators based on how well they can establish, and maintain order in their forums, and not based on other reasons. Also, if a moderator dosent do his / her job, then the LEGAL reason, would be more then enough to replace him or her. It be easier for Nite to say "hey s0v, I got a lawsuit today from the state of Montana, becuase someone called someone else a doo-doo head in the area you're in charge of, so you're back to being Starfleet, bud." as opposed to "you're always drunk, you pick fights, you've banned more people then polio has killed, you're never around, and you usually cause more problems with the server, forum code, and everything else then you solve, so take a walk, and enjoy your demotion you jerk." So long as there ARE responcible moderators, that are active in the boards, and do their jobs by keeping an eye on posts by members, I'm all for it, really. However, on a more political note I personally find it absurd that people believe that they have the right not to be offended / insulted on the net. If someone is very clearly being a troll, or acting like an ass, then what can moderators / admins do? Will we get tagged for discrimination, for singeling a minority (i.e. the troll / idiots)? Would there be legal repercussions towards the forum staff, a possible supreme court hearing regarding possible violations of some American law? What if the forum owner is NOT a USA citizen? So many undefined variables regarding this.
  3. Never mind raising funds for a legal defence. I suggest that we start raising money for a NiteShdw Air Force jet. Hey, 20% off is 20% off, eh?
  4. NiteShdw: I was young, and needed the money. c4evap: See previous line.
  5. Tablet get's 10 out of 10 in my books. Based on his av. appearing to be taken from some obscure sci fi episode I've never seen, having not one but TWO robots, and the icing on the cake is the obviouslly out of context, but still highly appliable "Hugs or Die" at the end. Good show, old bean.
  6. S0V13T

    Four Twenty

    Yeah, it's a huge event in my town as well (for highschool dead-heads, and adults alike) The reason? Provincial Highway 420 runs right through my town. remember everyone, if you're going to smoke the reefer, or the cheeba, or whatever the kids call it these days, make sure that you have glaucoma, cancer, or aon of the other medical conditions that entitle you to puff the wacky-tobaccie. The moderators will be checking for perscriptions.
  7. S0V13T

    Four Twenty

    I posted this at 4:20 on april 20th. So all you forum members / potheads can rejoyce.
  8. This thread exists for the sole purpose of locking. I licked this thread immediatelly after making it, and hopefully the other moderators will unlock it, post, then re-lock it.
  9. I used to swear by Netscape Composer 'back in tha day'. it was a free WYSIWYG editor that came with Netscape Navigator. Heres a link to a pretty decent list and description of HTML editors
  10. Yeah, the server is set to automatically update its self, so it'll only support players with the latest updates. It's not a cracked server, or anything like that, so you'll need a valid steam account, and a legal copy of the game to play online. Like Mrthumps said, if you go into Steam > My Games > Right click on Counter-Strike: Source > Properties > Update tab, make sure that "Always keep this game is up to date" is selected. Thats the only way that I know how to update the game. Anyways, the whole CS:S project has been a huge success so far! There are tons of NiteShdw members on the leader board so far, and a surprisingly high about of walk in traffic gaming on the server. Thanks so much for everyone who has given the game, and the server a chance, and don't forget send Nite a couple of bucks (if you can afford it) to keep the high quality gaming online 24/7.
  11. I'd hate to rain on your parade TFMF, but running any kind of server is against like 99% of all ISP's terms of service. having said that, I've fooled around with plenty of server software pakages, and the most hassel free I've used is PHP Triad ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/phptriad/ [comes with apache 2, mysql, php and I THINK perl as well]) for windows, and standard apache + php + mysql for linux. You can find your external P address from http://ipchicken.com . If you copy and paste your external IP into your browser, and your page loads, then your server works. If not, then you have to allow http (port 80, 8080, or whatever port that you set it up to run on) in your router, firewall, and windows firewall if you have that enabled.
  12. I've always sworn with a toasted bagle, ham (or bacon) cheddar cheese and a microwaved egg.
  13. Jeff Zucker wishes TV producers would catch up to the iPod craze. As the CEO of NBC Universal Television Group, Zucker wants to see executive producers come to NBC with ideas that will play well in what one might call TV 2.0. From cell phones to iPods to Origami devices, TV is quickly reaching beyond the boob tube to computers and mobile devices, and some of it is even legal. The coming paradigm shift in television has convenience and cash written all over it, as the big players slowly figure out that providing users with content on their schedules could turn out to be a lucrative idea. One instantly wonders how such a paradigm shift might actually affect the way in which new shows are born. For Jeff Zucker, the question isn't one of audience profiling or broadcast frequency. It's about planning from the earliest stages. "What it really means is producers can no longer just come in with a TV show," Mr. Zucker told TelevisionWeek. "It has to have an online component, a sell-through component and a wireless component. It's the way we're trying to do business on the content side, giving the consumer ways to watch their show however they want to watch it." Zucker is calling his new outlook "TV 360," an homage Microsoft surely appreciates. But what does this mean in practice? After seeing how iTunes could actually lend a helping hand to TV ratings, Zucker clearly has symbiosis on the mind. But also on the minds of many is money, and when we're talking about television programs, there's a lot of minds to account for. For instance, mildly popular shows such as NBC's My Name is Earl (which is now stuck in a terrible rut) might seem ripe for monetization, but having been produced by a non-NBC studio, NBC's options are limited. As the revenue potential builds up, so does the queue of people waiting to be paid. Not everything boils down to selling TV shows online, however. NBC and others have also been experimenting with creating web-only or phone-only mini episodes. SMS messaging, desktop wall papers, outtakes, and other promotional features should be part of the package too, in Zucker's view. "I don't want to make it a hard-and-fast rule, but certainly I think everybody knows that that's what we're looking for and it's really the way we're trying to do business on the content side," Mr. Zucker said. Selling shows online may be the future, and it may not be. The bigger picture for Zucker relates to development. Rather than take on new shows to see how they fare on traditional networks before monetizing them via other means, Zucker wants to see the options solidified up front. This does two things. First, it sends the message that traditional TV models aren't going to cut it anymore. Perhaps more importantly, it says that NBC isn't interested in doing business with producers who want to take a "wait and see" approach to monetizing their shows. In short, NBC doesn't want to end up with a hot show that it can't monetize because a studio won't agree to terms. Moving those discussions upfront is one way to address that. The un-TV networks As part of the overall paradigm shift that I've been talking about lately, this move is bigger than it might look. It signals a kind of metamorphosis whereby the TV networks are starting to think of themselves as content producers for the next-generation of entertainment delivery schemes. While we have talked much about the notion of "repurposing" content for online sales, Zucker is moving the bar such that "repurposing" may become an anachronism. At NBC (and likely every other network), programming pitches will soon need to take these new delivery mediums into account from the very beginning when planning both their content and their contracts. Full article
  14. Yes yes, I'm well aware that I'm not the most popular of the staff here. I use the word Staff, and not MOD (why do people capitalize that word?), becuase I'm not really a moderator. The stuff I do, and am still doing is way closer to Administrator still. FAQ's, software development, taking command of the ship during the MPAA crisis, the gaming server, and subdomain I'm setting up, orginizing the forum threads (some sessions I move over 100 threads at a time), making a new FAQ every 2 weeks or so etc. I do a hell of a lot that the average member, or the average moderator dosen't really notice. Oh yeah, and I'm basicly the admin. on #startrek (Nite's almost never there) too, even though I don't really do all thay much there besides telling people to not post torrent links. I have no problems with you guys expressing negitive opinions on how I do my job. Just keep in mind that what I do around here is necessery. If someone is acting like an ass, then I'm going to do what I can to stop them one way or the other, and if people have a problem with getting yelled at, then they shouldn't act like children in the first place. Some people have mentioned or implied that I'm the next in line to get the forums, or something. Nah, Nite's in charge, and is probabally never going anywhere, and I'm more then happy to continue to work on projects with him, and stomp around as the "power abusive" scurge of silliness first officer type guy.
  15. Right on. If anybody wants to create a public Starcraft /D2 server on either their computer / a spare one, or whatever I'd be more then happy to post the connection info and login on the gaming page.
  16. Just a small update, I'm pretty sure that I have the Counter-strike: Source server operational @ So anyways, if anyone has CS:S installed, and updated, please do see if you can connect to the server :) Also, the files are in place for Half-Life 2 death match, and a variety of the classic Valve games (Classic cstrike, dod, tfc, etc) But from my limited current knowage of how to set up remote linux gaming servers, It's gonna be dedicated to CS:S for the time being, untill I can figure out how to make a config file to change the game it's serving manually. I've looked into getting some files for games like Diablo2, and some RTS games as well, but I'm not seeing any dedicated server files at all availible for download. From what I remember from playing D2 and RTS games, it was always one player hosting the game, and another (or a few more peopel) joinning that player made in-game server. if anyone knows about dedicated linux server software for any of the games they've brought up I'm game to set it up. Also I've been fooling around with http://gaming.niteshdw.com a little bit lately. Still no where near being started yet, but atleast the ball is in motion, and there is a general list of things that I plan to do. Anyways, I'm gonna make a poll up on the subdomain, and add in all the games people have mentioned, and may continue to mention, check back there every now and then, so thay you have a chance to cast your vote.
  17. Alright first of all, I have no idea why you're so pissed off about that. I could see this kind of reaction if I said something directelly about you, and explicetedly suggested that you left. But no, I havn't. I have no problem with you, or 99.999% of the rest of the forum members. Believe me, if I was going to insult someone, it would be crystal clear, and not based on someting like that. I think the general complaint that you have, is that I'm saying "that if member X leaves, then it's no big deal.", and I listed off a couple of random people that posted above me in that thread, and one of them happened to be you. You'll notice that I ALSO mentioned that if I (S0V13T) left, that no one would care. Well, it's true. I'd expect maybe one person to say "Hey, where did s0v go?' after like 6 months, and thats about it. No parades, no 21 gun salute, no emails, no nuthin'. The thread was locked, becuase this isn't myspace.com, or a geocities emo blog. If people want to whine, complain, or try to get others to feel sorry for them, despite the facts that they brought on negitive opinions from the community themselves.. these forums are NOT the place to do it. I think that you should go and read that entire thread, in proper context again, before you choose to freak out. By special request: On a cosmic scale, it also dosent matter if GeneralLee, Beawulf or Fenriswolf were to leave the community. People might mention them from time to time, wonder what they're doing these days, and that's about it. Moderation: Moved to Mirror Universe
  18. Just in case anybody was wodering how to to include one of the images into their signature: 1) Right click on the image you dig the most 2) Click properties / image properties (the exact wording varies from browser to browser. 3) Highlight and copy the ENTIRE image source address (http://www.niteshdw.com/dl/niteshdw_userbar8.png is the one I used) 4) click on the "Your Controls" button near the top of a page in the forum. 5) click the "Edit Signature" tab at the far right 6) TYPE in 7) Paste in the address to the image that you copied in step three. 8) Type in ' alt='> 8) Type in '> 9) The final product in your signature should look like this (if you have the same unimpeachable sense of taste, and style that I do): [img=http://www.niteshdw.com/dl/niteshdw_userbar8.png]
  19. Right on, the bottom most one for me, definatelly. Looking good, Nite.
  20. the top one has a nblack BG, where as the other 2 have a dark shade of grey, in a right to left gradient. And the very bottom one has a 'shorter' font. I'd vote for the bottom one, if the text at the right was more legible. Here and now, I oted for the top one.
  21. Now theres an idea for a fund raiser. Everytime Nite frags somebody in Halo PC, they have to donate a buck :)
  22. Right on guys. When I get some free time in the next few days, I'll look into getting some software for serving up a litlte CS:S, and a stats page for it (so that we can all see just who the leetest gamer really is.) If anyone has any suggestions for what software would be the best to use for this (we'll need a dedicated server application for a Linux machine in the event that NiteShdw agrees to let us use his server, otherwiise, I'll host the game on one of the comps on my lan), please do let me know, as I've been pretty busy lately, and might not have the time to track down the proper programs / stats logging program.
  23. The basic idea is that there are a number of gamers in this community, and NiteShdw has a bad assed Linux server going to waste, and he's gotta pay for the server some how, right? It's a win / win / win situation. The more people that use the proposed game server, the more that NiteShdw can ask for in server rentals.
  24. Theres a lot of talk regarding the community getting into some gaming together. Myself, and a handfull of other members (theres about 4 of us so far that are definatelly into this plan) have been talking about this for quite some time, and we feel that the time is right to announce we are in the process of orginizing a leauge of gamers. We have a free Ventrillo server, and all the software in place, and for people interested in this. And if there is enough interest in this idea, I will make financial the arrangements with NiteShdw to rent out his server (lots of wasted potential these days) to make this a reality for everyone that wants to get some games going on. So Far, we're looking for some people to play some Counter-Strike: Source. Games that we're considering: - Halo - Diablo 2 (not decided yet if we're sticking with the vanilla version, or with the Lord of Destruction expantion) - Dungeon Siege 2 - Command and Conquor: Red Alert 2 + Yuri's Revenge - Command and Conquor:Generals + Zero Hour. - Open to almost any other RTS / FPS games. We're not looking for pro gamers for this, casual gamers, and n00bs alike are all more then welcome to install whatever games we decide on serving up, andplaying as much or as little as they want to If you're a gamer, and are looking to get whooped by your fellow NiteShdw.com members, or if you just want to come in, play one round JUST for the sole purpose of shooting me / someone that you don't like in the head, taking a screen shot, and posting it on your site / blog, this is definatelly your chance. So if you're interested in joining us for some good clean killing, and / or trying out a new game for the first time with the community, then please do reply to this thread, and express any and al construstive criticisims, sugestions about what games we should be serving, that would attract a lot of people from the forums, and most importantally, what would be the most fun!
  25. Anyways, with that all said, I leave you all with a fun image.
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