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Starfleet Security
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Everything posted by S0V13T

  1. Just for the record, when NiteShdw was sued, several Newsgroups servers were also sued / shut down. So the MP@@ not only HAVE the balls, but they also have the means. And scruples are a moral concept, Tenabre, not a busniess model, unfortunatelly.
  2. Don;t forget to mention The Prophets that occupy the Celesteral Temple. It's absolute blasphemy to call the Celesteral Temple a "Wormwhole", child. May the Prophets be merciful. - Kai S0v
  3. It looks like Elite Force 2 is in the lead atm, so I do believe that after work today, I will look into tracking down a dedicated server, and hopefully a stats page program. I've had a ton of experience in the past hosting Q3 based games (Soldier of fortune 2, MOH:AA) So when the server is up and running, it likely woun't be all gimped out as the CS:S server has been known to be :) Can anyone familiar with EF2 reccomend any decent mods? Like maybe some Jem Hadar, Xindi or want not skins?
  4. Yeah, RTS games arn't famous for having dedicated server software. From what I can tell, all the RTS game servers that come up in the ingame server browser / game spy, it's all one player hosting the game, and waiting for clients to connect. Thats kinda why I asked for people to post a link to an actual linux dedicated server application for linux. I'm working under the assumption that NiteShdw would perfer it if I didn't install Wine / cedgra pakages, (as off the top of my head I can't think of any RTS games that run nativly on a Linux machine) and running a game that would hog all the ram / cpu. Now if somebody, or even a group of people wanted to all take turns hosting some red Alert 2, or Rise of nations or whatever, so I could make a list of possible IP addys for players to connect to, that'd be cool. I'm a big RTS fan too, and I'd love to get some RTSing happening. I'm liking the idea of Wolfenstine: Enemy Territory. As a linux user, it's one of the few games that are designed to play on linux, with out any kind of hassel to install (as in the game it's self on the client side, AND a seperate server application, for the server side).
  5. Has anyone seen the new TV spot with Gates McFadden on TV speaking well of Microsoft?
  6. Right, write this date down on your callender everyone, this is one of the very rare occasions where I totally agree with GhostShadow. Iran is walking down the same ath as the national Socialists did back in the 30's, if you ask me. Hopefully, Isreal will remember history as well as we do in the free world, and nip this anti-sematisim right in the bud.
  7. When it comes to other people posting torrents on any other sites, theres not very much that anyone (including NiteShdw, and even the MPAA) can really do about it. I'm sure that any one of us here can think of atleast 5 different sites that you can find the same torrents that we once hosted / tracked here. As long as nobody is posting the names / URL's to the sites here in the forums, then I'm pretty sure that Nite can't get into any hot water over it, as it should be understood that Nite is master of his own domain, but obviouslly has no power over what kind of things are done on other sites. IMO, the NiteShdw brand is synomonous with high quality sci-fi encoding, so people are doing whatever with the torrent files, so thet they'd be recognized as being quality encodes.
  8. Mod Note: Post deleted. Katrina, please stop attracting unwanted attention regarding illegal downloads to this site. NiteShdw has absolutely no affiliation with this sort of thing, and we do not appreciate your hints and outright atttention whoring to thos subject. This is your absolute last warning regarding this sort of behaviour. Promote illegal downloading once more, or post one more link to illegal torrent websites and you will be banned. End of discussion.
  9. Yeah Tenebrae, there's no problem with you having a negitive opinion on things, but really man... when's the last post that you made when you said something POSITIVE about something? Seems to me that all you've been doing lately is poo-pooing on this, and poo-pooing on that. That ain't cool man, nobody likes a whiner. If you like the new Doctor Who, then watch it, and talk about it. If not then, don't watch it, and you'll have nothing to be pissed off about, eh?
  10. From what I got from the article, is that if you are the kind of person that obsessivlly upgrades their computer's hardware (as in buying a new video card, more ram, new cpu, or new mobo, etc) every MONTH you'll be fine for whatever Vista needs to run. Where as if you're the kind of person that has to pay rent, has a family, or has to settle a lawsuit with the MPAA, then maybe you'll be keeping XP or 2k for a few more years. Also, personally speaking there is SO much messed up about Vista, regarding DRM, built in spyware, and having to buy brand new hardware to even run it (google "Vista HDCP", it'll break your heart if you're one of those that obsess over video quality). Personally, I'm more then happy using mandriva linux for everything (Yes, even the majority of my gaming), and windows 98 for some old school gaming (like Black and White, and other old school games that only seem to work in 98).
  11. If anybody wants to send me a photoshop (or post an attachment here in this thread) rendering of their conception of what NiteSciFi.com should look like, I'd be more then happy to convert it into a html / php template for use on the site. Pending NiteShdw's final descision, of course.
  12. I've changed mine about 5 times or so. I really dig the one I have now, so I have no plans to change it any time soon.
  13. Oh yeah? care to prove it, and post some pics up there c4?
  14. I fully endorse and support TetsuoShima. I have never ONCE seen him make a 'nonsence' post. Everything he has ever posted (to my knowadge) has ALWAYS been relevent, extremely informative, and straight on topic. TetsuoShima for the win, no doubt about it.
  15. Here we go. It's not sci-fi, but it's super leet.
  16. I'm probabally the only guy in the world that actually likes Wesley Crusher, so I'd want him as my side kick. Wesley and I would go around picking up alien chicks, drink Romulan ale, pick fights with Klingons and win, pillage and plunder ferengi ships. and generally live the Trek equivelent of the pirate life. However... I'd like to have Jar Jar Binks as my side kick for the sole purpose of beatting the living hell out of him, with a 2 by 4 with nails sticking out of it, at any time that I chose, for absolutely no other reason then I hated him. If there was some kind of mystery to be solved, I'd always build a convincing argument, and present (planted, and falsified) facts that Binks did it. I'd sell him into slavery, into prostitutiion, to the glue factory - whatever paid the highest if I was strapped for cash. In times of combat, Binks would be my Gungan Shield, and would take the brunt of the attacksk, within a centimeter of his life day in and day out. He would be the guy that loaded up our space craft without any kind of anti-grav platforms, or 'modern' convieniances. He'd haul all that heavy gear by hand, or risk another brutal 2 by 4 beating. Neelix, however would be treated very humanely. I would allow him to live, as long as he cooked all the meals, cleaned up, never sassed back, and absolutely never made eye contact, under ANY circumstance.
  17. The video was okay, as far as making fun of emos go (a Canadian passtime second to only Hockey+drinking), but I thought the ad on the side was hilarious. Check it out, and draw your own conclusions.
  18. I selected the super secret "None of the Above" option, as I'm an advid PC gamer. Might get the kids a ps3 or xbox360 at some point though (like ten years after their released, so that a workin' man can actually afford one)
  19. Hey, I've been arrested about a dosen or so times. Conviced of a federal offence once, and busted / fined of small crimes / put in the drunk tank MORE then the average NiteShdw.com member has downloaded an episode of a new TV series (okay, maybe not, but pretty close). Look man, jail isn't that bad (in Canada at least. I'm pretty sure that most places arn't this good). You have the potential to see old friends, and make new ones. Learn some new skills (I've learned how to make my own booze out of a hot water pipe, bread and fruit cocktail, unarmed combat manuvers wich have come in useful in self defence, and an array of unbeatable checkers, domino, poker strategies that have served me very well on the outside for eg.), and had a chance to pass on some of my own tricks of the trade. Look at it like this. Your country has a manditory draft into the service. Are you the first person to ever NOT want to get killed for a cause that you don't believe in? The likely answer is no. Likely if you DO go to prision for a while, you'll meet tons and tons of like minded people, and be reletively comfortable. I was very surprised how it was wen I was on the inside the first time. Nevermind the news stories you may have heard about murder, man on man rape, dropping the soap, and general bad times. It really was a positive experience, from my perspactive. Between the options of getting killed in war, or serving 8 months in jail, I'd pick jail by a blow out every single time.
  20. Ghostbusters one and two, with dvd extras, and some sort of book, with behind the scenes drawings and such. Best 23.99 I ever spent. Also, the first movie DVD I've ever purchaced :)
  21. Been getting some comments and PM's lately about expanding the glorious Gaming.NiteShdw.com server empire lately. I'm all for it, as I've learned a ton about linix installations, configging and upkeep in the past month or so. So, if you vote for any of the options (especially the write in one) please do: a) Name the game you want to see served (duh). b) Make sure that there is such thing as a dedicated LINUX server software, as most RTS games do not have dedicated server pakages, as they ar emostly pvp based servers. c) Post a link to it, so I can see how compatabile it is with NiteShdw's server set up. Also, on the Gaming home page, I have our server, and the server of our good friend ReSeStAnC listed. If anyone has their own server for any game that they would like advertised (we get mad traffic on all the niteshdw.com domains, I can tell you) please do send me a PM with the particulars of your server, and I'll see about adding it to the list. Click here for the poll
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