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Everything posted by S0V13T

  1. Well said NiteShdw. One would think that they would embrace the technologies that may mean millions in extra profits, instead of trying to criminalize them. History remembers the VHS / BetaMax wars, the scare that taping a song off the radio was a crime, and time will surely remember torrents, and p2p. He who does not learn from history, is destined to repeat it.
  2. Very nicely said, jhug666. Thanks for posting that. I'm sure that most of us have read that iTunes has sold their 1 billionth MP3 recentelly. With the going rate that Apple is charging for the service, the RIAA are definatelly recouping their aleged (sp?) losses. The MPAA are on the right track (that is to say, if they even have any control over TV shows, music videos) by offering TV show, and music videos in the video iPod format. What big busniess needs to do, is accept the inevetable, and realize that people like us are not going to give up our taste for downloading things. We like the convieniance of being able to have almost instant access to the things we want. Our 'demographic' don't WANT to pay for advertising, we don't WANT to pay for fancy packaging, we don't WANT to help fund BAD movies and BAD television programs. We want to pay for the the basic product. Give me the option to pay for well made, quality .avi or .mpg video files, set a fair price for them, and you've earned my busniess. You've earned all of our busniess. What we want to fund, are things that we buy. When I bought the Firefly boxed set, I wanted to support Joss Whedon, and help to get the message out that there is still a HUGE market for more funding to go into his projects. What we do not want to fund, is the comming (some would argue, the CURRENT) age of Corporate Feudalisim, and the age where only the wealthy can afford entertainment. People grown very accustomed to being able to hear from someone in a forum, or read in a blog that a new album by a band they dig has been released, then being able to listen to it within the hour. Now since iTunes has been around, the same people still enjoy the convieniance of being able to get the full album instatelly, without having to worry about the RIAA flipping out. It's good for the users, it's good for the RIAA, it's good for Apple, it's good for everyone. Whenever an orginization like the MPAA / RIAA / BSA say something like "We will stop all piracy", I can't be the only one that thinks about the USA's failed war against drugs and failed prohibition attempt. In a world where the fall of one source of things that have a high demand falls, more sources will spring up. In the modern Information Age, this typically happens within the hour.
  3. Thats a really good question. The writers are obviouslly drawing a lot of material from the darker side of Christanity's past with the charecters of the Ori like: - Burning Heretics to death (as seen in 9x03, I think it was) - Suppressing scientific progress, and declaring 'tinkers' as heretics. - Depecting the Priors as all powerful missionaries, that read scripture to convert the masses. - having a "Convert or Kill" policy, as seen in the Spanish Inquisition. (I've been obessed with point form lately)
  4. There are no plans at the moment to either encourage, or discourage people who want to make donations to NiteShdw. It's souly up to you, to decide what to do with your hard earned money. It's been stated many times that nobody (not even the other website owners that have been sued) know exactelly what the particulars are of the MPAA's lawsuit are. So it has yet to be determined if donations will be necessary. if anyone would like to show financial support for NiteShdw, then by all means donate via the pay pal link at the top of the page, if you can afford it. If you can afford to lend him your moral support, then I'm sure that that is also more then fine too, for the time being.
  5. Like GNU - a self-referential acronym... GNU Is Not Unix or PINE: Pine Is Not Elm any more out there, I can only think of the geeky *nix ones Don't forget PHP PHP Hypertext Pre-Processing
  6. Mine has something to do with young men killing each other.
  7. Alright first of all, everybody read this. It's a summery of all availible information regarding the lawsuit, explainations as to why some posts and threads have vanished, and an a few additions to the general posting rules. Second of all, everybody read this. NiteShd'w orignal posting rules. The most importiant one cited there right now would be Finally, the forum moderators, and myself have ALL been working in over drive lately, so that NiteShdw dosen't have to. So we're all understandably cranky. I would seriouslly advise that you don't add to our aggrovation at this time, by seeing how close to the line you can go, as you may not find us as tolerant as we normally are. It is in everybody's best interest to follow the rules, guidelines and common sense now more then ever.
  8. Here are the facts so far, so we can avoid having people posting the same questions over and over and over again, and prevent people from awnsering the same things over and over and over again. Again, it should be stressed that I am not the owner of this site, and the information here is what is already commonly known, and will be updated as needed. I am however, the temporary administrator of these forums, and this information should be concitered to be up to date, and an accurate represntation of the facts. It should NOT be concitered to be an official statement, or something suitable for media distribution. - The MPAA announced that they have sued "NiteShadow.com" in this press release. - The story has been picked up by many internet P2P news services (link to news.google.com, with 'NiteShadow MPAA' as the search query.). - We have volunterily removed all our torrents, and tracking softwares from the server. - NiteShdw has NOT recieved any contact from the MPAA's lawyers, or any official notice, or a list of accusations. - Although the other sites mentioned in the press release are still online, we simply don't have the resources to fight the lawsuit, or to hire a lawyer to argue the validy of a torrent website against the MPAA's lawyers. - NiteShdw is a dedicated husband and a father, not a dedicated torrent rights activist. This is someone elses fight. - This website, and it's developers have no plans to offer torrents, a torrent tracker, or any form pf p2p supporting technologies, now, or at any time in the future. We will be retooling an existing project into something else. More details on the fate of the Torrent Tome project, as they are decided. - The torrent tracker, and the forum do not keep any kind of record of users IP addresses / personal information other then what they have volunteered. We appreciate the concern of the members of the forum, and their support, so here is how you can help us, and help yourself. - Do not post torrents in the forum. (this is now a banable offence) - Do not post links to torrents in the forum. (this is now a banable offence) - Do not give instructions as to how others can obtain torrents, or pirated materials in the forum. (this is now a banable offence) - Do assume that law enforcement agencies, MPAA officials, and lawyers are monitoring the forums. - Do not assume that you have the God given right to finish any downloads that you have that used our tracker. - Do use your own resources to locate another source for downloading. - Do remember that this forum is for science fiction discussion only. - Do remember that the moderators will delete any posts / topics that may further compromise NiteShdw.com, NiteShdw himself, and the members of this community of (mostly) like minded people. - Do not identify me as any form of official representitive, frontman, or press contact for this website. - Do post a link to this page in the event that someone asked a question / posted a comment elsewhere on the forum, and did not read this first. - Do not pretend to be an expert in the law, or try to get the MPAA to see your side of the torrent download story. Unless you have passed the bar exam, you are not an expert, and you are spreading misinformation, and pissing people who have done their research / homework off. - Do not post comments like "death to the MPAA, let's bomb them / crash an airplane into their buildings, lets start our own network, etc" as death threats, terrorisim, and conspiracy are widely concitered to be a criminal acts in the free world, and will not be tolerated on these boards. We are science fiction fans, not wanna be terrorists. - Do not send any of the Moderators (especially S0V13T or NiteShdw) PM's asking for either infromation about how NiteShdw's is doing (it should be assumed that he's stressed out.), where you can find torrents, or anything covered by this guide. Private Messaging the forum staff are for things like reporting inapropriate posts, bug reports, and warnings. Not general chit chat.
  9. They wern't deleted. They were moved into a private area earlier today, as SOMEONE went crazy and started talking about things that not only can get HIM into a lot of trouble, but could possibly get NiteShdw into even more trouble. This was done to protect the user in question, and shouldn't be mistaken asas anything ele. After we go through them witha fine toothed comb and decide what to do, they will be returned to the public forum. Also it should be noted that we have absolutely no intention, or desire to make torrents, or information on how to get them availible. And anyone who decides to be a rebel and goes a head and does it anyway, will be banned.
  10. haha, that's exactelly what I had in mind when I renamed this thread.
  11. Heres a special message for msg4real: "No one presently can undecrypt your talking to in the channel where chat has been." The foolish will laugh at that, but the wise will understand.
  12. I've made tons of announcements as to what's going on. It's not my fault if some people can't be bothered to read a couple of pages back for the latest recap.
  13. We are no longer a file sharing community, so this is NOT the appropriate forum for asking for this kind of thing. I reccomend that you look into finding a new source for this.
  14. I talked to the owner of torrentfreak.com, and asked him to either remove my uncredited quote from his blog, or credit me for it, and explicitelly say that that was not an official statement from the owner of niteshdw.com. Just in case the other P2P news agencies pick up that blurb, and spread it around like wild fire. Good job to the mods for removing links to torrents, and to the members who have been cool enough to understand the reasons why posting links to torrents is now a huge deal, and the worst thing you can possibly do. Nobody has to agree with the reasons why we don't allow torrents, links to torrents, or instructions on how to get them on these boards, but I ask that everybody please understand, and comply with it. The reasons should be obvious to anybody, but in case you insist on being an ass, and challenging us on this: - NiteShdw will be recieving a lawsuit from the MPAA. - NiteShdw also has a wife, and a very young daughter to support, and definatelly can't afford legal represntation / or a lawsuit. - Despite the questional morality / legality of the impending lawsuit, NiteShdw has decided to be cautious, and pre-emptivly comply with what the MPAA is suing for. - This site will not host, or condone torrents on his server to protect himself, his family from legal action. So Please try and keep all that in mind, incase you wanted to be a rebel, and post torrents / instructions on how to get them. - I am still not a press contact, or spokesman for the website. And unless I contact you, I have nothing to say to reporters. - Anything I say is largely my own opinion, mixed with information I've been given from NiteShdw.
  15. As much as I hate to say this, and as much as I'd personally love to see it, and as much as I'll deserve the flaming afterwards... Any post that contains a URL to the new BSG / SG1 will be deleted, as we have MPAA agents EVERYWHERE at the moment, and NiteShdw.com is trying to avoid any lawsuits, and comply with what ever government that the MPAA is representing. Anyone that posts a link or an attachment on the forums will be banned, no exceptions.
  16. As much as I hate to say this, and as much as I'd personally love to see it, and as much as I'll deserve the flaming afterwards... Any post that contains a URL to the new BSG / SG1 will be deleted, as we have MPAA agents EVERYWHERE at the moment, and NiteShdw.com is trying to avoid any lawsuits, and comply with what ever government that the MPAA is representing. Anyone that posts a link or an attachment on the forums will be banned, no exceptions.
  17. Oh man, I didn't know that GAMES counted! Not much I can say about System Shock 2, as it definatelly scared the hell out of me, but I'll see your HL2, and raise you a Deus Ex (just for the later levels) and a Alien Vs Predator 2 for the PC, playing the marine campaign. EDIT: You already mentioned the AvP games... so how about The first couple of levels of Doom 3 / Quake 3 before it gets repetitive, and F.E.A.R, instead?
  18. Oh man... that post was too good to NOT to comment on. I've been in a really bad mood ever since the lawsuit news hit, as I'm sure that 100% of the forum regulars (if you're not sure who the forum regulars are, then you probabally arn't one of them) have been. The only three things that have made me smile, and laugh since this whole thing started has been 1) my GF, 2) my kids, and 3) str82u's points in the quoted section 1 through 3, and especially the edit. You sir, have just made a friend for life from everyone that the general concensus conciters to be a regular on these fine boards.
  19. Ah, reincarnation? For myself, I think that in my last life I was probably a female crocodile. :cyclops: No. In Canada "Cougar" is a slang term for an older woman who "preys" on younger men. c4 :cyclops: I've lived in Canada all my life, and I've never heard of that one. I got myself my very own pet cougar.
  20. Well, concitering that I'm a huge alcoholic, who never cleans up, and my fav brand of beer is Molson Canadian, I can easily see around 30 canadian flags in the area immedietelly around my monitor. Heres to being patriotic, bottoms up everybody.
  21. I've had my msn contact addy in my profile since the day I joined, and only like 3 people from the forum are on my contact list. TODAY however, I've had about 30 or so add me, and asking some pretty pointed questions. No offence to you people, but if you're not a forum regular, and if I can't verify your email address / identity , I'm not even gonna confirm or deny if the second charecter in my mick is a zero or an oh. Also, wahaha I got this movie script about a guy that's lived in a bunch of countries, and he goes on this crazy adventure, interested?
  22. That could be argued as being the internet equivelent of resisting resist.
  23. There shouldn't be any real reason as to the forums going offline. The worst case scenerio is that Nite loses the domain name, and server (not very likely to happen), and we have to update our bookmarks to another domain name (there are tons of backups for the forum's database and quicksilver forum files). Best case, and most likely is that the forums, and domain remain as - is, and we retool the main site content as something else. Maybe retool the existing torrenttome project into an interavtive TV database, like we planned for, only minus the torrents.
  24. Absolutely right. All the information I've made availible is either things that I've done myself, have made educated guesses, based on availible information, and what I believe NiteShdw is planning on doing. I am in absolutely no way the spokesman for the forum (all you reporters would do well remember that before you revise your articles). I'm just the guy trying to keep a cool head, and encouraging everyone else to do the same. Only NiteShdw himself can comment on official the whys, whats and hows
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