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Fill in the blank game (DS9)


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meanwhile, the jem haddar had arrived back with their fishing rods and all kind of sophisticated equipment to take sisco up on his offer.


the jem haddar arrived and threw a small tri-cobalt device into the pond and waited patiently for the explosion which caused all the dead fish to float to the surface.


"efficient" said sisko "i bet you __________"

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and began talking out of the side of his mouth and moving the fish with his hands to make it look like it was talking. "I don't think you could talk a woman into a first date, weird ears!" said the fish. Weyoun responded _____________________________

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All of a sudden a large coat, with a tiny scriptwriter in it, appeared out nowhere and, well - just generally appeared. The tiny scriptwriter said, "Hey? What's going on here? I work for the Prophets, see? And they think this is _______

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a catchy beat, coming from the little reccord player the tiny scriptwriter had cranked up, to kill some time. Now, if you're about done, how about getting rid of that tribble. It costing us fortunes! That's not just any tribble, you know? That's Bob T. Tribble III, senior! A bell rung. The tiny scriptwriter, reached inside his mamoth coat and pulled out an telephone on a long extension cord. Now that Sisko took a closer look, he noticed the cord snaking out from under the tiny scriptwriter mamoth coat, across the floor, out the door, over the security consoles and straight into ___________

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