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What is your favourtie cheesy B movie?


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Well I finally got to see Buckeroo banzai. Thank you to everyone who recommended it (esp. C4evap and Dino) and a special thank you to the uploader on the site (sorry don't know who you are because the tracker is down a BIG THANK YOU).


My review: The biggest load of twaddle I've ever seen :o


In other words a perfect cheesy B movie :cyclops: :p :cyclops:

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My fave B-movie was "The Beastmaster" but then I heard how badly they mistreated the animals in this movie (for instance, the black tiger had been painted black, the paint poisonned it and it died shortly after the end of the production) so I kind of change my mind on this.


So let's get back to classic B-movies:

- The incredible shrinking man

- The 50 foot woman

- The Blod and the Fog (Original versions)


Them were true B-movies of the olden days. "Ice Pirate" more recent is also up there with the beautiful Bs


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One movie that I've not seen mentioned is The Last Man on Earth, and has Vicent Price in it. It was later remade with Charlton Heston as The Omega Man, but the orignal is far better, and probably not as well known because it has a very dark ending.

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Every black and white scifi movies that was made in the 50s is fun to watch :)

I love those, not all of them are cheesy though.



My fav classic B-SciFi


... There is one 50s one I want to see no idea what it called, but remember it from when I was a kid, All I remember is it's like bodysnatchers, but there are sink holes in the desert, just beyond an old fence, where the alien ships are hidden. it's a perfect peice of 50s cold war paranoia, but i could only remebr bits about it


That must be:




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There are so many classic B-movies that it's not easy pick any of those.


I have to pick the one I have played the most (>200 times, VHS, and almost worn out).


And why?


If I have to get up early and can't sleep. All I have to do is play this movie and turn down the volume to absolute minimum. Voila, and I sleep like a baby before the first lasersword is used...


What movie?



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Is that actually Star Wars 4 or is it the 4th Star Wars to be released?

Sry, I'm stuck in an alternate timeline. ;)

B-movie = After A-movie? :thinking:

Star Wars IV (4th to be released) = Star Wars I (Star Wars timeline)? :thinking:

Still confused though. :cyclops:

Star Wars: The dark menace? ;)

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Not Sci-Fi, but my favorite B-movie would have to be The Warriors. "####, these chicks are packed!" Its so lame, its funny.

The Lathe of Heaven is pretty good. The origional version, not the remake. 1980 version.


Thats pretty much all I can think of at the moment...


Looks like there's a video game out now of the movie...


But, back on topic...did anyone mention the TRANCER series starring Tim Thomerson (also starred in Cherry 2000).




c4 B)

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I personnaly own Deathrace 2000 on DVD that I payed a lot for. (stupid)

Best quote of the movie was near the end when David Caradine explain is master plan to his co-pilot and removing his gauntlet for the firt time. You could see a grenade in the middle of his hand and with close-up he says ; this is a hand grenade. ROFL

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Its gotta be this one for me ..... I just love it .......its a love story really! That no joke!






Nicolas Sinclair is one of the team operating the time travelling APEX (Advanced Prototype Exploration unit) in the year 2073. When one of the APEX probes is accidentally sent back to an area containing a family in 1973, a sterilisation probe is launched to destroy any chance of a time paradox. However Sinclair himself goes back to 1973 to stop the unit - but in doing so he creates a paradox and unleashes a virus. When he returns to 2073 he finds the paradox has created a new timeline where the humans are in a war with APEX units sent from hi timeline to destroy the paradox.


Have you seen Terminator - you bet your ass that Phillip J. Roth has! He certainly drew a lot of inspiration from it when he wrote this. Having said that, the story is actually alright - the whole time travel, killer robots thing has been done before, but that doesn't make it less interesting. It doesn't go anywhere unexpected but it is not as bad as you suspect it might be.


What does let the story down a little is the rest of the production. Produced by Talent Captain (strangely no Oscar nominations yet!) it seems his biggest input was to get his son cast in one of the roles. The whole thing has a TVM feel - despite the swearing and violence. The special effects are cheap and very reminiscent of a straight to video sci-fi, the locations are good if basic - only the occasional interior shot looks like cardboard. But really you can see the budget constraints up there on screen.


The tight budget goes through to the cast - they aren't great and aren't helped by some poor dialogue. Keats, Cox, Russell etc are all TVM actors but they do actually do all right considering. The APEX units themselves are mixed - they look cheap at first, but then you forget that they look cheap. But then after a while you realise that they're rubbish - they can't shoot straight at all while the humans just need one powerful hit to get them (or even a music CD!). This takes away from the tension of the film - at least with Ernie you knew without a doubt that he was one mean mother who wasn't going to miss!

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