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Chicken or The Egg


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Chicken evolved to lay an egg.


But that chicken must have hatched from an egg, and a chicken must have lain said egg. Chickens were never mammals (obviously).


Basically what came first depends on our modern-day versions of chcikens and eggs. So what we're asking is:


What came first? The chicken whom we know and love today, or the egg we know and love today? So if we go back in history to find that pivotal chicken, ie, the domesticated bird that lays oval-shapd eggs that fit in the palm of your hand the chicken would come first, why?


Because the chicken we know and love today must have laid eggs exactly the same to the eggs we know and love today (WKALT), the chicken WKALT would have evolved before the egg WKALT because if the egg was produced by a different kind of chicken it is not the egg WKALT.


EDIT: That's bit wierdly worded, if you don't get my crazy writing i'll rewrite it.

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well , a long research revealed that long before chickens there were eggs roaming the earth , rolling around to move and crushing the pray when they roll on it, then they absorbed to nutrients from their pray through their porous shell.this obviusly places eggs close to crabs as exoskeletal creatures, then at some point during their evolution the eggs began to dream of flying -thus they evolved into a different specie - the flyings eggs only that even tho their shape was perfectly aerodynamic they lacked propulsion(so many accidents occured) so they evolved more into semi-exoskeletal animals , growings wings out of their shell(even if not discovered yet-this is the missing link) still they lacked steerings and landing gears thus some accidents still occur so they evolved more and they grew a steering tail and landed on thier belly(much like the Komet early jets), accidents still occured due to missing landing gear so eggs finnaly evolved into growing landing legs.now eggs had full cotrol over thier flight and could reproduce masively .Soon it became obvious that outer skeleton was hindering mobilty so few darings eggs began despensing of their skin and grew feathers instead while turning the weight onto an internal skeleton.As it became apparent that outer skeletons provide some protection while young higher mobility made all the rest of eggs to dispense of their exo-skeleton at elder ages.

i hope my inside information helped to clear this enigmatic aspect of cretacic times.

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