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Most Irritating Trek Character


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man come on you all have missed the mark. The most irrating character was Vedic wen that dirty scoundrel got on my last nerve. I hate it when a character that pretends to have a good attentions who is really dirty at the core is allowed to exist. For seven seasons that dirty wind bag ws allowed to exist in the trek universe. whoever came up with that character truly knew how to piss me off.

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doubt the prophets ever believed in her. they did not believe in linear time so I am sure they pretty much knew her future, they knew everything she was going to do before she did. So they must of known she was not doing things out the goodness of heart but for status.

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I notice a few things here:

1) A sizable amount of consensus on who people dislike.

2) A lack of convincing analysis to accompany anyone's statements. "Analysis" being an objective and rational scrutiny of a particular example.


So, here's hopefully a more...thorough opinion:

Lwaxana Troi was far and away more annoying than any other TNG character, period. How? As follows:

a) the pitch and intonation of her speech. The lack of an aural aesthetic made her impossible to listen to when talking.

b) her costumes. How wretched, even for the 80s.

c) her actions' total disjuncture from her supposed character. She's supposed to be aristocracy, but she acts like a tactless plebeian.

d) whenever she's around, her presence can't seem to resist taking over the episode...an episode that includes Lwaxana Troi becomes an episode ABOUT Lwaxana Troi.


Lastly, Wesley must be given some form of credit, for his is a betwixt-and-between character, making it an especially difficult one to portray. THINK about it. Worf, by comparison, is a much simpler character.


Hope that sets the tone for a REAL discussion. :)

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oh, Q. he was a nasty bugger.


for starters, he was smug, he was pointless in my opinion. he sent the Enterprise to the Borg, which he should have been kicked of the continuing commity for that since the borg now threaten the Alpha Quad.


I also hate his voice... sorry, but to annoying

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Anyone actually considering the fact that the emotions these characters make you feel, are part of the series and that the writers/actors intended you to feel them?


Just thought I'd mention this, becasue this seems a very negative thread to me, like I didn't like this or that character... Strike it.... But in doing that you also strike those emotions thus, making the show more boring... Character that leave a 'negative' emotion are actually a good thing for a show as long as there are not to many of those characters around...


In that view, I didn't dislike any character at all!

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First of all, Q is the most interesting character in the trek universe. Annoying to the Enterprise crew, but certainly not to the viewer. Vedic/Kai Gwyn(sp?) is certainly a constant annoyance, I agree, but there is one more character that takes the cake. Mr. Mott, the barber for the enterprise 1701D. Watch the beginning of TNG 503 - "Ensign Ro" and you will immediately see what I mean. Riker actually says "He's the best barber in starfleet... what can you do?". Furthermore, when Picard gets stuck with profiteering criminals attempting to steal trilithium residue from the enterprise, he attempts to play an annoying buffoon. What does he choose for his identity? Mr. Mott, the barber.


And Wesley kicked ass. The actor... could have done better. I liked him in "Stand by Me", but he just didn't do very well in several trek episodes. There were some where he did well. Overall, I liked the character, but sometimes the acting was... lacking. Painfully. I think that's what makes a lot of people dislike him.

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