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Enterprise - Which episode u disliked the most ?


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I'm surprised to hear anyone didn't like Similitude- that was one of my favorites. The worst episode?- that's a no-brainer. "Harbinger" wasn't just the worst episode of Enterprise- it's the worst episode of any Star Trek series.

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I'm surprised to hear anyone didn't like Similitude- that was one of my favorites. The worst episode?- that's a no-brainer. "Harbinger" wasn't just the worst episode of Enterprise- it's the worst episode of any Star Trek series.


Harbinger was ok, at least it drove the plot forward a little, and attempted to explain why there was an expanse, and thus why it wasn't there in TOS/TNG/DS9/VOY.

Similtude was a bit slow, but not the worst.

I stand by my earlier judgement of Carbon Creek, although A Night in Sickbay was pretty dreadful as well

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Season two was comparatively the worst of the four seasons. It started off really strongly in my opinion, I LOVED "Minefield" and the Hitch-Hikersesque "Dead Stop", and even "Carbon Creek" was well put together and engaging in its concept ('is T'Pol having a laugh?' we ask, right up to the end). "A Night In Sickbay" remains one of my favourite episodes, it was almost Star Trek meets Frasier with its male psychology and slapstick, and Phlox playing the overearnest counsellor.

But after that it went so far down into the pit of mediocrity that it became difficult to watch at times. "The Communicator"... I mean, you could hear the barrel being scraped for that one. "The Catwalk" probably has my vote as the dullest episode of Enterprise. About quarterway through the season they all kinda blur together in that way that pulp television often does, when you can't remember individual episodes because your brain is saying 'What's the point?!'

It sounds strange but you're kinda GLAD when Florida gets cheesewired in "The Expanse" because at least something is actually HAPPENING!

That said, without the characterisation of S2, however tedious, the events of S3 and 4 would in my opinion be less...what's the word...meaningful, they would carry less weight... Plus, the darkness of S3 is excellently juxtaposed with the comparatively happy-go-lucky 'another day at the office' nature of S2. It's like wow, where the hell did that come from, seven million dead, a faceless species that are gonna come back to finish the job, and only one Earth ship that can even reach far enough to try to find them? Change of pace, change of situation...change of show.

In case you hadn't noticed S3 is my favourite series, I won't go into it too deeply cos you'd be scrolling till next week, but I would say that particularly in the final third, it has some of the most angular, visceral episodes of any Trek show. Tough like DS9's "The Seige of AR-558", especially my favourite ep ever "Azati Prime", i mean you're watching it and you're thinking how dark can this get and still be Star Trek? Captain chained and mercilessly beaten, hero ship careering out of control as the Xindi pound it to destruction with T'Pol useless in command due to her substance abuse... and the credits just roll. It doesn't get more gripping than that.

And the excellent Degra is almost Shakespearian in his characterisation.



Season 2 may have been bad, but it set things up for when it got REALLY good and when it did, it more than made up for S2 and a patchy S1.


I love Enterprise to death and have shown my friends and family the light. A friend of mine who used to rip it to shreds as soon as the theme came on now says it's now his favourite show...pity he's a bit late, lol.


To anyone who's yet to see it, give it a chance. These are strong characters that become very easy to love.


And the ship itself is pretty flash too! B)

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Oh easily a tie between s4 opener and finale.


Honourable mentions to Cogenitor, that one with the Ferengi... hell, let's just say most of s1-2.


I agree. The finale "These Are The Voyages" was such a let down. What did it add to the series? Nothing (except a William Riker that bore no resemblence to the real Riker).


But I'd have to say Season 4 Episode 1 "Storm Front Part 1" was even worse. They just ended a great season and so they introduce some new token bad guy race, take everybody into the past, and completely forget what has happened in the last 2 years. It reminds me of a story I wrote in grade 2. I'm surprised they didn't end that arc with "And then they all woke up and it was all just a dream, the end." They spend a whole season building up to averting war with the Xindi, and then that's the last we ever hear if them. If it hadn't been for that episode, I bet it would still be on the air.

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I agree with most here I disliked "carbon creek" the most. But I also felt that "in a mirror darkly" would have been better as a single episode and not wasteing 2 vital episodes so close to the end of the season with a "what if" story.


I thought that this was an interesting way to try and explore the Mirror Universe, and why the Terran Empire was so strong. I guess that they decided that since it was going to be cancelled, they'd use the 2nd half of S4 to tie up some loose ends in the Trek Universe -ie: why Klingons change throughout the different series; why the Tellarites, Andorians, Humans and Vulcans were the first to sign the federation charter etc..

Not seen the finale yet (is on tv a week on Sun -got the penultimate episode this sun), but from reviews I've seen, it doesn't sound promising.

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last episode of season 4 was crap. and how stupid is the fact that riker was simluating it in the holosuite. i wish funding for that series didnt end. one of the episodes in season 4 with the vulcans introcued the idea of the vulcan romulan secret alliance type thing. the series had a lot of potential. carbon creek was a bit naf to

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I just finished watching "In a Mirror, Darkly" both parts season 4. Now would someone explain me wtf was that about ? I change what i said before those were the worst episodes. No clue who was high when they came up with that idea but it was horrible, especially the second part. 3 episodes left for me to watch, hope they'll b good.

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I just finished watching "In a Mirror' date=' Darkly" both parts season 4. Now would someone explain me wtf was that about ? I change what i said before those were the worst episodes. No clue who was high when they came up with that idea but it was horrible, especially the second part. 3 episodes left for me to watch, hope they'll b good.[/quote']


I take it you've never watched The Original Series (TOS) or DS9?


The Mirror Universe, or Alternate Universe as it's usually referred to by characters in the series, is just what it sounds like; a paralell universe probably one of many that exist.


It's called the "Mirror" Universe cause most of the people and places are quite the opposite. Example in the TOS mirror universe, Kirk is a bad guy as is Spock. In DS9 Worf along with most of the Klingon Empire are the dominators of the Alpha Quadrant while people like Sisko lead a rebellion aganist that. Quark was killed by Rom, Rom was killed by Nog (that or they just died so Nog can take over, I forget).


The Enterprise Mirror Universe episodes explained how it began, with the Terran Empire. Instead of Cochrane being friends with the first Vulcans we meet, he kills them, steals their technology etc Ironically you disliked these episodes but they were the most well enjoyed episodes of the fourth season ;p

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Lol, i know what a parrarel universe is, watched almost all episodes of Sliders. It's just that it started really akward for me and ended even more badly. To each his own.


Oh and I finished watching last episode of ENT. Wow, took it really to the heart, when u watch so many episodes and u realize that the one that u'r watching is your last :( One thing I can't understand why did they make Trip die ? No T'Pol and Trip ? I was waiting all 4 seasons to finally see them together for good :(

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yeah, it said that they were 6 years apart from some relationship, so it was either 6 years after they first had *** or 6 years after the second last episode. I think it was the second cuz they were on enterprise for 10 years, 4 years = 4 seasons and the 6 remaining :)

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Let's not forget the "gems" from season 1 such as Strange New World, Terra Nova, and Vox Sola. These episodes were utterly painful to watch! Most of season 1, in fact, made me feel this way.


At the same time, each subsequent season was better... by the time season 4 came around, nearly every episode was fantastic! (With the obvious exception of the series finale... what were they thinking with that one?)

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Carbon Creak - i mean there are some episodes that are at least watchable - but that one was very dull indeed...


Really? I found it quite amusing.


I least liked the final EP of ENT - "These Are the Voyages..." - but I didn't hate it.


c4 B)


i suppose the Vulcans trying to act like humans was quite funny - but other than that there wasn't much to it...


Well...to each his own. At least you're not bashing Voyager for once ;)


c4 B)

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