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TV Addiction


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Yes, Virginia, there is a government sponsored mind control conspiracy.


And I'm not talking about HAARP here, either.


Think of a nearly ubiquitous device that causes human brain waves to shift into an alpha state, while instilling messages of fear and desire into the subconscious. (They Live!)


No, it's not that piece of John Carpenter sci-fi, it's real. And it's probably in your house. Yes, I'm talking about TV. So if you're a conspiracy fanatic, realize that something you've taken for granted drops you into a suggestible brain-state when used as directed - and then suggests that you be afraid, that you buy-Buy-BUY, and all kinds of other propaganda.


My TV-B-Gone is already on order - but I found out you can get one even cheaper through the TV Turn-Off Week in my first post to this topic. Save about $5.00 or so. Learn from my experience!


Then join me in shutting off Werecow's TV/monitor!


:D :D :p :cyclops:


Actually, if we could only amplify the signal enough, we could shut off every TV in America!!! In the whole world!!! What if we crosslinked a TV-B-Gone with HAARP?!?

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Nice idea to bad it doesn't work though walls, guess so long as you have a clear view of the TV your in luck.


One that would open garage doors would be by far more fun, maybe you can mod the frequency.


But there isn't a garage-door-opener-mind-control-conspiracy, is there? I think most TVs still use infra-red. But garage-door openers use RF - used to be around 40-50 MHzish. Too high in frequency to control all of them from HAARP, but one could build a kilowatt amp based on the amateur radio handbook, then connect your garage door opener and mess with a major metropolitan area! Maybe hook up a little micro-processor interface to have it cycle through control codes and channel assignments!!!

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Nice idea to bad it doesn't work though walls, guess so long as you have a clear view of the TV your in luck.


One that would open garage doors would be by far more fun, maybe you can mod the frequency.

Better than garge doors....



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My TV's been in storage for about a month - don't miss it much.


All hail the new chief!:


I only bring out my tv to watch enterprise before the download is available. I hate waiting that extra hour. But that hasn't really stopped.... any of us, I guess from watching tv. I mean, look at the freaking tracker. I don't think I could say you are preachin' to the choir on this one.


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Actually, I haven't watched Enterprise on TV this entire season. Only seen the torrents. When it came on, I missed the transition to Friday nite and ended up with video tapes full of cr*ppy UPN stuff. Then I was behind and didn't want to watch out of sequence.


(I have watched other TV, however, although the best stuff I've only downloaded and watched later)

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seriously tho...about the only time i watch tv is when trek is on spike, x-files are on random here ane there and adult swim...i like futurama and some of the old anime they show..oh yeah and full metal alchemist and gits...i have already seen both series but why not re-watch something if you enjoy it? beyond that im usually watching something i got from here or one of the anime sites....

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Werecow, sounds like alot of minimalizing in that last post.

I can't see any of the 3 TVs going off in my house. I spend my time in front of this monitor, I watch Enterprise and news from here, but my girlfreind and her kids each have a tube and I can't say I mind, it keeps them off me.

Well, it's not like that, but they all spend plenty of alpha time, the kids go to sleep with thiers on, my girlfreind lets them use them as nightlights, how's that for ruining your brain. I turn them off from time to time, and you can tell it effects them on a mental level because they will wake right up and turn them back on as soon as I'm back in bed, but I can drop a stack of plates in the room with them and they keep on snoring.

So good luck to all those who can turn off and tune out.

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If I didn't have TV, I'd have to go out pillaging and plundering (interchangeable). I'll NEVER turn it off, especially when I'm not even watching it.


I also have a TV tuner card and a remote for my PC. Graphics suck though since it's cable and not a SAT s-video feed at 480 lines.

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Werecow, sounds like alot of minimalizing in that last post.


well when you use your tv for a monitor its hard to watch tv when you are doing something on the computer...i do wind up watching more and more stuff i d/l than is on tv tho..cause you just cant get good programing in the usa anymore..(besides enterprise and house)



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