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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by Beawulf

  1. I was very amused when someone told me about that :D and just for those that don't know, the "i'm feeling lucky" button automatically opens the first result from your search
  2. I have to agree with fenriswolf and s0vi3t. To be honest Troy that post suprised me, even coming from you. You have just reached an all new low
  3. That sounds really good. I wonder what sort of heat resistant properties it has. Sounds like it should fare quite well against micro meteor strikes, might be seeing it used in spaceships of the future. Another material that I think is going to be very promising is carbon nanotubes. They have a similar structure to graphite which has very strong bonds in 2 dimensions, but very weak bonds in the 3rd dimension (which is why it makes a good lubricant). In the form of a tube the bonds are actually stronger than diamonds. NASA is looking at using it in their space elevator design. And a group in Japan is wanting to use it to create a massive pyramid city (cant find the link unfortunately :( ). It also has conductive properties so has applications in electronics and also nanotechnology of course hehe :) Carbon Nanotubes ala wikipedia ;)
  4. Generally materialism on its own usually doesnt make people happy, but it might for some and if it does I wont try and stop them. How other people choose to spend their money is of no concern to me. I agree with queenhank that it is possible to get enjoyment from a collection. I agree that you are free to express your opinion. Which you have done on this topic several times. I really don't see why you need to start yet another thread when the others are still going, you could have easily have fit this post into one of other 2 threads and been on topic. It is seeming more and more like preaching than a discussion.
  5. In my country, the ISP's have begun to deliver 'movies-on-demand'. To get the rights to do this, they had to make deals with the movie-representatives. These studio-representatives refused to give the ISP's the rights if they did not agreed to give them the right to request personal info of users on their network. Luckily, the 'hunt' hasn't yet been opened, but if it does, all hell's gonna break loose, because they can request info on just about anybody. WHAT?!?! since when are they able to bargain away your right to privacy? Surely this couldnt happen without the user giving consent. They must have it in their contract, I bet users who signed up before this could probably sue for breach of privacy.
  6. I voted some of the above. I have mostly been deleting stuff when I am done (games and apps excepted).My 2 drives (only 80gig each) filled up so I have recently purchased a 50 dvd bundle to free up some disk space. Hoping to collect some seasons of select things...which I currently have in a wallet I had lying around.
  7. Everytime I see the nation's flag flying, it makes me feel so patriotic. God bless Australia!!! :cyclops:
  8. Yay, we have finally recieved some rain (were in drought...still are technically) The only problem is it came in the form of chunks of ice the size of softballs :(
  9. I couldnt find info on the site saying what the quality was going to be beyond the encoding format they plan to use. What makes you say it will be crappy quality?
  10. hrmmmm patriotic songs that's tough. All of the songs that are about Australia make me sick to the stomach. So I would have to say any Australian artist that is successful around the world makes me feel patriotic :D
  11. I'm not entirely sure that is true for in Australia, the commercial are very few and far between compared to free-to-air stations and in some cases non existant all together on some channels. I dont think it would be enough to purchase shows on its own
  12. I wonder if any users of those pay sites have been pursued by the MPAA. I imagine a large portion of the suckers who sign up think they are doing the right thing by paying subscription.
  13. If you go see a movie at the cinemas that turns out not to be bab5 quality, do you ask for your money back? whether you like it or not you have watched the movie and therefore should pay. Trashing the tv show after you watch it is irrelevant, you have watched it. Unless you saw the commercials or pay for cable tv that screens it you have deprived someone of income.
  14. I had to vote for not getting angry or frustrated, I am usually having too much fun. :cyclops: I must admit I havent played any mmorpgs, they sound like they could be a source of frustration having people with too much time and money who dominate the game. One thing that does get me yelling expletives, but isnt restricted to any particular genre, is getting past some challenging part of the game, forgetting to save, and of course dying.
  15. I'm all for contributing to the income of the writers and other associated with the production of shows. The cable tv fees I pay monthly filters through into their paychecks. What's the difference if I were to download the episodes to save me the hassle of taping or capturing from the cable tv channel that I've paid for? the dvd packages in stores are way to expensive, and like quosego said there hasnt been any legal way to download tv shows up until now with apple's new video service.
  16. That's great news. It is about time the industry responded to demand. I wonder what sort of options there will be for the quality of the downloads. I also expect there not to be a problem with burning to DVDs.
  17. I'd have to say in general that I do not hate or dislike the opposite sex. Naturally there are plenty of exceptions such as vacuous bimbos. A pet hate is people who wear WAY to much makeup in situations where none is necessary. There is also a proportion of men that I dont like, particularly the overly macho types. The sort that get into fights or talk down to women/others to show off to their friends. Society can do without them.
  18. ISP companies here usually have considerably lower upload speeds compared to download. I guess they figure people only care about download speeds which is true for alot of people. ratio tends to be 5:1 or worse. I'm on 12mbps/2mbps, used to have 1.5mbps/64kbps!
  19. I can play the piano, maybe they will introduce a piano tax too. Imagine all the songs they arent getting royalties for
  20. ahhh soviet, janury woz like 3 months ago! so wherse the epz dood/?
  21. I think they should have gone back to some genetic engineering with the careful guidance of the denobulans. Can definately help society without having augments or people who are better beyond the fact that they are free from genetic diseases and disorders. what's wrong with that :D
  22. A time lady, that's not a bad idea. We thought all the daleks were destroyed but some survived, maybe some of the timelords survived as well. :D
  23. You yourself are spending more on what you choose to collect. Where you paying $25 per disc (depending where you shop) we pay less than $1 and fit more on them! That's ~20 seasons for an hour of work (depending on job). Seems you are the one wasting time at work. (1) Yes, but I'm not stealing. The ~$700 I spent were my way of rewarding the writers of B5/DS9 by filling their paychecks with money. By spending my dollars I'm saying to B5/DS9: "Thanks for crating the top 2 best scifi shows. Here's some money to fill your paycheck, so you can buy your children Christmas presents." It's nice that you support the shows that you really like, but it isnt accurate to say you arent stealing. There are plenty of threads attesting to the fact that you download ALOT. Not keeping them after you watch them does not make it any better.
  24. You yourself are spending more on what you choose to collect. Where you paying $25 per disc (depending where you shop) we pay less than $1 and fit more on them! That's ~20 seasons for an hour of work (depending on job). Seems you are the one wasting time at work.
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