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Bad Wolf(spoilers ep 6)


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well I am suspicious that we have not seen the last of either the time lords or the daleks and with the Bad Wolf theme I figure something is up.

so I wanted to get everyones input on what Bad Wolf is and/or what it means


I think its a tag name for the Dr having to do with him in the time war .

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I"m beginning to suspect that the Doctor did something to stop the Daleks that resulted in the destruction of Gallifrey. Possible releasing the Eye of Harmory. He probably had to do this in order to save the rest of the universe.


I also thinking that maybe the "person the Doctor believed dead" that shows up later might not be the Master, but possibly Davros.


This would tie in well with the info given on Dalek origins in episode 6, plus allow for the "new and improved" Daleks that have been rumoured to appear at the end of the season.


My theory is that if Davros survived in a fashion similar to the Dalek, he could (and would) recreate the Daleks-with imrpovements to overcome thier past defeats.

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The appearance of the person the doctor thought was dead is in Boom Town (#11) and not in 'Bad Wolf' or 'The Parting of the Ways' so is unlikely to be Davros.


I'm going for the Master as the doctor thinks all of the time lords are dead.

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The appearance of the person the doctor thought was dead is in Boom Town (#11) and not in 'Bad Wolf' or 'The Parting of the Ways' so is unlikely to be Davros.


I'm going for the Master as the doctor thinks all of the time lords are dead.


But Boom Town is the episode right before Bad Wofl. They could pop a character up that leads into the finale. They could even have him appear in the last scene for a classic Doctor Who cliffhanger.


As for the Daleks, I"ve read that the big concern from the Nation estate is that, while the agree that the Dalek design is over 40 years old, and can benefit from a upgrade with modern special effects, they want to insure that the final result is still recognizable as a Dalek.


I'm interested to see just how much further the basic shape can be pushed.


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I have a feeling that 'Bad Wolf' is connected to the Time War, a mysterious player behind everything either the Master, Omega, Rassilon or perhaps Fenric.


The Radio Times promoting the return of the new series has an episode guide which states that epsiode 12 (unnamed at that time) and episode 13 possibly involves a Dalek invasion. We now know that episode 12 is called 'Bad Wolf' so I think (and hope) that this 2parter is where the time war spills over into Earth history - The last battle between the Time Lords and the Daleks. And it will be here that the mysterious player will be revealed.


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I dont think its the doctor' date=' as the psychic in episode 3 would have said it was him instead of telling rose that shes seen him, so maybe its sumone else that we have already seen.[/quote']


I don't think its someone, but something I think it's the tardis...


However I think the Face of Boe may have something to do with it. CE said on one of his appearances on Blue Peter (BBC Childrens Programme - 21st March) when he was talking about episode 2

'The face of Boe all will be revealed, actually its not a villain but it does reoccur throughout the series.'


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I dont think its the doctor' date=' as the psychic in episode 3 would have said it was him instead of telling rose that shes seen him, so maybe its sumone else that we have already seen.[/quote']


I don't think its someone, but something I think it's the tardis...


However I think the Face of Boe may have something to do with it. CE said on one of his appearances on Blue Peter (BBC Childrens Programme - 21st March) when he was talking about episode 2

'The face of Boe all will be revealed, actually its not a villain but it does reoccur throughout the series.'



Guess i'm going to have to watch more childrens programs!

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So what references to 'bad Wolf' have we seen so far?


Graffetti on the Tardis

Mal Loupe an American newsreader (well done to whoever spotted this - bad wolf in french - Think it was RSAntillies. I would have never spotted this).

A Helicopter call sign




Can't load up the website yet.

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Don forget Gwyneth mentioning 'Big Bad Wolf' when she spoke to Rose about London & flying metal birds. And then about 10:28 into The End Of The World, when Soft Cell's 'Tainted Love' is playing on the Jukebox (iPod) you can hear a small alien voice utter BIG BAD WOLF. Its very subtle, almost subliminal and it took me a few listens to convince myself that is definitely what is said. Not sure whos voice it was though sorry.


Id be gutted if Bad Wolf is one big red herring for the series and actually the Bad Wolf turns out to be Russell T. Davies himself :)


Im looking for other references but cant seem to find any in 'Rose' yet. Someone on another site mentioned the Nestene consciousness 'mouthing' the words Bad Wolf but I think the guy was on drugs who posted that!

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A post on the IMDB boards said the Moxx of Balhoun (sp?) mentions Big Bad Wolf to the Face. ANyone remember that in "The End of the World?" Dloading it' date=' now, will watch for it in the DVD version.[/quote']


Yes the Moxx of Balhoun does say to the Face of Boww (21min 10sec) "this is a bad wolf scenario".


The 'Mal Loupe' American newsreader was not in the television programme at all. I think its on one of the webclips....


Another one is as RSAntilles said Gwyneth mentioned that Rose 'had seen the big bad wolf'.


Also on the whoisdoctorwho.co.uk which Mickey has taken over since Clives death in Ep 1 at the bottom of the 5th week he put..


When he said goodbye, The Doctor gave me a disc. He said it contained a virus that would wipe him from the internet.


Thing is: I can't bring myself to use it.


You see, he's off, making another decision for us, all "I'm the big bad wolf and it's way past your bedtime." Well, I don't think so. Not this time.


It's enough for us all that I've got the virus. On CD. And I'm ready to use it. If he really is that dangerous.




So they're even putting secret clues on the secret websites.. :o

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Since Red Riding Hood is an old werewolf story, and we know the Doctor is going to reenerate (shapeshift) at the end of the season (something that was supposed to be kept secret), perhaps Bad Wolf tiies into that somehow.

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For all those who think The Master will be returning in series one of the new doctor who... think again..... unless it's some sort of big deception... then The Master won't be returning. Eccleston has said this in a radio interview I just listened to.... he did say that altho he wouldn't be returning that something linked to him, or thru the daleks or something like that... would be showing up. It's possibly Davros... it wouldn't surprise me.

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