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Are you a pirate?

Guest c4evap

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I am a pirate. By definition of the MPAA I am. I make no excuses. Others may attempt to hide behind a facade but not me!


How 'bout you?


c4 ;)

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"Not you. We named the monkey Jack."


I voted being poor. Honestly if I had a job that paid good where past living expenses I had even a little extra money to save up, I'd buy more stuff on DVD. Especially since Paramount just lowered the prices on dvds.

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hmm I just bought windows xp pro and windows 2003 server enterprise edition only because I could for 5 euros (fully legal)


my school wants that every one has a official windows so they sell every thing from microsoft for 2,5 euros a cd


but I steel the rest he what can I say aim a student

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And thank's to c4 for allowing me, and others like me, to share this shameful secret I've kept buried for so long. The pain has been unrelenting, the hours of <<<>>

Tell the truth and shame the Devil!!!

Can I get an AMEN now!!!

Man, check this out, this is a great article I found off of Quosego's sig.

DRM is a complete lie

(That's Digital Rights Management)

And thank's Quosego for a fine read!

Can I get my eyepatch now?

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I mostly download tv-shows. But I have several reasons why I do it.

Firstly, most shows I watch never come to Sweden, and if they do, they're always 1 or 2 years behind. And when and if they come out on dvd, each season costs about 70-140 USD, which I cannot afford.


No doubt if I was rich I would buy more of what I watch.

But even if I had the money, I don't like shopping in the dark. Buying something for 70 dollars and then not like it is not an option to me.

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AARGH!!! Pirates we be, why pay when it's free. I would feel guilty, When there be stuff from me...


To be serious The Web was designed so we all could share, our lifestyles, our interests, etc. And it isn't like we don't pay for it. after all this stuff we are downloading is for "preview purposes any way...."RIGHT", hehehe.

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When it comes to Star Trek... enterprise i downloaded cause it was a yearr behide if that... erm... otherwise i've got alot episodes on VHS which now i want on DVD so in that department is it so much stealing if i had just those episodes....


i would like to say i'd buy DVD of start trek of the main "Feature lenght Movie episodes" (two-parts or three) they did it for the Next Generation but not DS9 or Voyager... I don't want every damnd episode of trek... i'd rather see them from time to time on tv when i have a spare hour.

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Up here in Canada we hear all of this but the major networks and newspapers only very infrequently report the legal issues as they pertain to this country. This being the case I thought I'd make it clear to my fellow Canucks that pirating is absolutely legal here provided its noy for profit. The major media companies forced a Bill throiugh some time after the invention or recordable audio and video tapes that enabled them to collect a small surcharge on the sale of each tape. This was extended to cd-roms and Hard-drives later on. This sounds bad but as a result when those same companies attempted to go after downloaders etc. the courts ruled that they had already been paid for the use of their matials in the form of the surcharge.

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